O.W.L. Exams

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The O.W.L. exams went better than expected. During the Charms written exams — which happened earlier on in the day — Aurelia sat at a desk, writing rapidly on a piece of parchment. Regulus was sitting a few tables away, drawing a snitch on the corner of his paper and tracing the letters A. L. before going back to his work to proofread it. 

For the Care of Magical Creatures practical exams the fifth years were meant to find a Knarl hidden in a crowd of hedgehogs, then later try and find the right food that you would feed a sick unicorn. After this, Aurelia gently stroked one of the pure white unicorns — as well as most of the girls in their year. Unicorns tended to prefer a woman's touch, so Regulus stood back, watching Aurelia pet the creatures in awe.

In Divination Aurelia stared absentmindedly at a crystal ball. Sybill was a few feet away, mumbling incoherently as she scrutinized it — as if she was trying to decipher some sort of code. During tea-leaf reading they were meant to stare at a cup filled with tea and make sense of the soggy tea-leaves without the use of a book. Soon after they did palm-reading, where most of the students told far-fetched interpretations to Professor Marchbanks on how soon she'll die, which quickly led to an explanation on how she would die. Aurelia hadn't mentioned death — rather she told Marchbanks that she would resign from her position from the Wizengamot to rightfully protest a vile teacher in the future. Professor Marchbanks was very pleased, and Aurelia was certain that she had rewarded her full marks.

History of Magic was much more fun without hearing Professor Binns constant droning for once. Regulus seemed to be having a harder time remembering things off the top of his head, so Aurelia would give him subtle signs when no one was looking depicting the goriness of some of the fights. Regulus failed to contain his laughter — and after a warning they both quietly went back to work.

After Potions — which you were required to make a few potions in order to display your achievement, as well as list a few ingredients that may come in handy if you were ever in mortal peril — was Transfiguration, where they practiced the vanishing spell. Aurelia had vanished an eagle, a stag, a dog, a rat, and a wolf — ironically. People were rather surprised that they allowed that many animals in but thought nothing of it soon after.

On Wednesday was Herbology where they were meant to write about the different types of plants then later garden them for their practical. Some people were bitten rather hardly by some Fanged Geranium, but Aurelia was lucky that she hadn't had any problems.

People seemed to be having a much harder time in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam — what with Professor Everhart's lack of teaching skills. Aurelia would have made an organisation to teach students how to properly defend themselves if she had known others weren't going to do so well. She decided that if they had another teacher like Everhart she would so no one would be failing N.E.W.T. classes.

Last was Astronomy. You were meant to fill in a blank star-chart of the precise locations of stars and planets. Regulus had finished first — to no one's surprise. Aurelia had stared at the stars with a regale air, and scribbled the locations down a few minutes after Regulus had already finished. Regulus stucked his tongue out, which Aurelia responded with an aggravated huff but smiled to show that she was only joking.

Overall it was a busy week, so everyone went to their dormitories partying away for the remainder of the night. Contrary to popular belief, Ravenclaws partied hard. They spent the night playing trivia games and having book battles. Some tried to find ways to drink, but at the same time not get drunk — which didn't work, but that made it all the more entertaining. Aurelia wanted to try Fire Whiskey, but The Grey Lady adamantly refused to let her to go anywhere near the table of alcoholic beverages. Soon after they had slumber parties, where people would bring numerous sleeping bags that a muggleborn student provided them with, and exchange interesting facts with one another until the sun rose. It was safe to say no one had slept that night.

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