Aware Wolf

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"We will be doing the Hair-Raising Potion today in class," Slughorn said dully. "The ingredients are on the board." 

"Billywig stings, porcupine quills, and rat tails," Aurelia mumbled. "I wonder what Peter was thinking last year when he did this."

"What do you mean?" asked Regulus curiously.

"Nothing," Aurelia said, a little too quickly. Regulus gave her a look that clearly meant 'I don't believe you'. 

"Nothing important, anyways. Unless — you know — it's inimical in an odd way." She couldn't think of any way Peter being an animagus would be detrimental, unless he turned into a rat to hide away — then later used that advantage to do something preposterous that could potentially damage everyone's lives. Aurelia snickered, she doubted Peter would do such a thing; the idea was risible.

"Whatever you say," Regulus said, laughing, before redirecting his attention back to the board. Aurelia happened to already be bored, so she closed her eyes and lulled her head back. Regulus rolled his eyes, "You should be lucky that Professor Slughorn isn't watching."

Aurelia ignored him. Regulus kicked her under the table. "You're supposed to help!"

"But I'm too—" Aurelia yawned, "—lazy. Besides, can't you just summon one instead of doing the work? Work smarter, not harder."

"You're infuriating," Regulus said. "Sometimes I question myself and my attraction towards you."


"Just kidding," he said, playfully elbowing her sides.

Sybill was watching the two inquisitively — causing Aurelia to blush at what her implications meant.

"Accio!" Regulus said, paying no mind to Sybill. A nearby potion began drifting towards them — Slughorn too busy grading work to notice anything. A few students did notice, however, and they quietly muttered the same incantation and small bottles filled with potions began drifting every which way across the classroom. They gave Regulus and Aurelia a furtive 'thank you' glance, before raising their hands in the air. 

Somehow this successfully captured Slughorn's attention, and not the numerous potions that were floating in the air. He looked over at the multiple hands, clearly confused. "You're done already?"

"Yep!" they all chorused.

He stared at their hands vacuously before clearing his throat. "If you're already finished then you can leave. I have papers to grade, so I really can't be bothered at the moment."

The fifth years stared at him, surprised. This was very unlike Slughorn. Voldemort's rise to power must have wearied him out; sadly the Slytherins and even some of the Ravenclaws were all too familiar with this — so they gave him a sympathetic smile before gathering up their things to leave.

Regulus and Aurelia left, the former grabbing the latter's hand and tugging her to an empty hallway. Except it wasn't empty.

"What are you doing here?" asked Sirius, who happened to be with Remus. Remus flushed — looking incredibly embarrassed. Regulus looked between their entwined hands and smirked. "I thought you were straight."

"So does pasta until it gets wet," Sirius countered. Aurelia and Remus were standing awkwardly by, watching their encounter. 

"Good for you though," Regulus said.

"I could say the same to you," Sirius replied, giving Aurelia a look of acknowledgement.

Aurelia was bewildered. Were they actually getting along?

"How's dad? Still teaching you Dark Magic that may be of use? I'm surprised you weren't the one that taught Aury here what a 'whorecrux' is.

So much for that.

Regulus stared a him, baffled. "Why would I know what a 'whorecrux' is?"

"Because you're a Slytherin," Sirius simply said.

As if a light had been switched, Regulus yelled, "This is why mum doesn't fucking love you!"

"I'm glad, because I don't fucking love her!"

"What the fuck is happening?" Aurelia and Remus asked in sync.

"Shut the fuck up!" they replied in unison.

"Fine, we were fucking about to leave anyways!" Aurelia and Remus hurried away before they could hear more of their tumultuous yelling. 

"Remus!" Aurelia gasped. "Learn to take some of Sirius' advice and quit being a swearwolf!"

"You sweared also!" Remus said, clearly offended.

"I'm well aware—"

"You're well aware because—"


"What?" Remus spluttered.

"I'm a werewolf," Aurelia stated solemnly.

Remus visibly panicked. "What?"

"Just kidding," Aurelia said. "Just wanted to make a pun."

"Oh," Remus furrowed his brows. "That was... terrible."

"I'm well aware—"

"Please no."


"And you did it."

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