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The school year was over. Students surrounded the Hogwarts express — some leaving forever, whilst others were going to spend a new year after the summer break in a castle filled with magic and friends and family. Seventh years were going to become Healers, or Magizoologists, perhaps work in the ministry and potentially becoming an Auror. Others, however, were going to use their magical capabilities for bad. Some, who lived in families of prejudice and bigoted views, were on their ways to become Death Eaters; looming threats above peoples' heads, creating fear and trepidation to those who's views were opposed to their own. 

And Aurelia desperately wanted to talk to Lily. If something were to happen — though the thought that she could potentially come in harm sickened her — she wanted to leave on a good note. 

Thus why she entered a compartment with three occupants. Alice Fortescue, Marlene McKinnon, and Lily Evans. 

When Aurelia saw Marlene, she flushed slightly from a memory from the year prior. Alice was dreamily looking out of the window, twirling a piece of her tawny hair. Lily continued reading some sort of a muggle book, but looked up, signaling that Aurelia could join them.

"I'm sorry!" Aurelia blurted out at once. Marlene eyed her curiously, whilst Alice continued looking out the window. Lily raised her brow, but said nothing. 

"I should have done a little more to knock some sense into them," Aurelia admitted.

 Lily dropped her book and sighed. "I'm not mad at you; more so on Sirius and James. And if anyone should have knocked some sense into them it should have been Remus."

Alice looked away from the window, turning her attention towards Lily in interest. "Did you just call Sirius by his name? Better yet, did you just call James by his name?"

"I meant Potter," Lily dismissed, though her cheeks were slightly tinted. 

"I knew it!" Marlene exclaimed suddenly. "You like him!"

"Like who?" Lily questioned, appearing to be dumbfounded. 

Aurelia snorted, "you may be a good actor, but you bloody well know what Marls meant."

Lily was positively glowing red. "If he weren't a massive git perhaps so, but he's done nothing but annoy me. He should know when to drop it."

"I'll make sure to inform James then," Aurelia said. "It might take some work, but he probably won't end up being a 'massive git' by seventh year at the latest. Earlier if he weren't so stubborn."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I doubt that he will ever stop being a foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach."

"That's a spellbinding insult," Aurelia said. 

"That's a supernatural joke," Marlene answered.

"Those are some bewitching words that are being used," Alice muttered.

"Why must you come up with such entrancing use of vocabulary?" asked Lily, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"I swear, spending time with Ravenclaws rubs off on you," Marlene said, though she too was smiling.

"Ravenclaws are the most enchanting house, however, so I suppose you don't regret a single thing after befriending me."

Marlene flinched at the word 'friend' but laughed nonetheless. "Ravenclaws are certainly charming."

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