Why So Serious?

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Aurelia and her fellow Marauders were up late on Friday afternoon, roaming through the castle's halls. Sirius was carrying what looked like to be a blank piece of parchment, James was whistling, and Peter looked somewhat nervous. Aurelia — on the other hand — was growing increasingly irritable at James' obnoxious tunes. 

"Will you stop it?" Aurelia finally hissed at him.

James ignored her, and continued on whistling.

"Be quiet, or Peeves—"

Her words were interrupted by said poltergeist, who just so happened to turn the corner, talking to himself in a loud, clamorous voice. Peeves then noticed them, and started singing: "It's Ickle Aury and her Ickle friends!"

"Peeves, be quiet!" Sirius barked, ironically being equally as loud.

Peeves cackled. "Sirius, why so serious?"

"We should have taken Prongs' invisibility cloak," Peter squeaked. 

James nodded fervently. "I'll remember to get it next time."

"If there is a next time," Sirius said gloomily, watching as Peeves continued to chant. "By this rate, he's going to wake the whole castle!"

"He will if we don't do something about it!" Aurelia said. She turned to Peeves. "You don't mind turning the volume down, do you?" 

When there was no response, Aurelia sighed. "If you be quiet, we will help you throw pranks at the sixth years."

Peeves seemed to contemplate the offer for a moment. "Peeves does seem to have a pet peeve on those nasty sixth year Slytherins."

"Was that a joke?" Peter asked. When no one answered he elaborated. "You know, Peeves, pet peeves."

"Do we have ourself a deal?" asked James, after giving Peter an amused look. Peter noticed this and immediately brightened up. Aurelia smiled slightly, Peter constantly seeked validation; she was glad that James did just that. They really were good friends — even when they had their moments.

Peeves continued to think for a moment. He then nodded. "Deal."

Sirius clasped his hands together. "Right, now let's get on our way."

Aurelia and Peter had to constantly hurry up; as James and Sirius had much longer strides than they did. They exited the castle, and immediately Aurelia could feel the cool, spring breeze. The four briskly walked to their destination.

The Whomping Willow.

After checking both ways, Peter turned into a rat; using his small animagus form to swiftly dodge the tree's branches and prod the knot of the Whomping Willow. The tree seemed to immobilize, allowing easy access inside. 

The others didn't hesitate to change into their forms. Aurelia turned first, becoming an eagle. Then James, who morphed into a stag. Last was Sirius, which he quickly turned into a dog. They gave each other one last look of acknowledgement before they entered through the Whomping Willow. It wasn't long until they reached their destination. The Shrieking Shack. 

However, someone — who wasn't Remus — happened to already be there. 

And this person just so happened to be Severus Snape.

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