An encounter with a merman

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It wasn't long before the first signs of snow appeared on the Hogwarts grounds, even though it was only the first week in December. Aurelia felt algid in the colder months, and the rest of the students seemed to as well. Each and every one of them were bundled up in warm sweaters; Aurelia was no exception. Quietly, she thanked one Remus John Lupin for the infinite supply of jumpers he seemed to carry at all times as she waited patiently by the Black Lake, mesmerized by the inky depths. Her thoughts were concentrated mainly on the DADA club — her peers seemed to have shown an interest in joining the DADA Club, so she felt somewhat more elated than she had yesterday.

Regulus Black did not take long to eventually catch up, and when he did, Aurelia felt like the iciness was melting and a radiant sun was taking its place. He seemed to be thinking; his brow was furrowed and his mouth was set in a straight line, but once his vision landed on Aurelia, he beamed, his cheeks tinted a rosy pink from the cold. In one swift motion, he was embracing Aurelia, and surprised, Aurelia embraced him back. "I missed you," he said into her hair, and he loosened his arms to step back, his icy eyes looking at her like she was the sole being in the universe. And Aurelia was looking at him in the exact same way.

"It's only been two days," Aurelia easily replied, although she felt the same. There was a large ripple on the lake, and the two turned, curious. "What was that?" Aurelia voiced allowed, eyeing the lake in curiosity.

Regulus crouched by the lake, and suddenly— PLOP! He was carried in. 

Aurelia began hysterically laughing, but Regulus shouted, "I CAN'T SWIM! I'M GOING TO DROWN!" 

"You can't swim?!" Aurelia shouted back, before quickly diving in. "Merlin, it's cold." Quickly, she swam to Regulus, who was doggy paddling to keep from going under. "You look like Sirius!" 

"There's someone grabbing my leg," Regulus said frantically. Aurelia peered under — a merman seemed to have carried Regulus in, and seemed to be wanting to carry him all the way down into the icy depths of the Black Lake. 

"We can compromise," Aurelia started, smiling politely at the merman. "You give me back Regulus, and I will find someone else, someone better, for you to drown." To be fair it seemed like a good deal, so reluctantly the merman let go and said a bunch of gibberish. "Yes, yes, yes," Aurelia said, although she had no idea what he was saying. "Sure thing, I have the perfect person too. It's not a problem at all, no worries." 

Before the merman could change his mind, Aurelia took Regulus' arm all the while saying, "You can't swim? Who doesn't know how to swim?" 

"No one taught me," Regulus said when they were all bundled up inside the castle. 

"Do you want me to teach you?" Aurelia suggested, grinning in amusement. "It might cost you your life like it did just now."

Regulus thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "I think I'll be fine, I don't plan on being drowned by creatures in the water anytime soon."

"Don't jinx it," Aurelia warned jokingly. "Sybill saw a vision eerily similar to what happened, the last thing I want to be told is that you died because of your lack of swimming abilities."

Regulus rolled his eyes, "I promise you I won't die because of my dismal swimming abilities."

"Let's shake on it," Aurelia said.

And they shook. 

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