Dead Serious

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"Dad!" Aurelia yelled from downstairs, wrapping her hand around the door knob with a rucksack swung over her shoulder. "Can I go to James' house?"

"How long will you be there for?" 

"I don't know, I was thinking that perhaps I could have dinner at his house, then come back afterwards."

Aurelia's dad made his way over to where she was standing. "As long as you don't come home past nine."

Aurelia rolled her eyes but grinned sheepishly. "I can't promise you that. We have serious matters to attend to."

"Aurelia," her dad warned, "if you don't get back here by nine you'll be—"

"Grounded. I know, I know," she said exasperatedly. "I promise to get back soon. See you later, then." Before she managed to open the door, her dad enveloped her in a warm hug. "Dad," Aurelia complained, but she wrapped her arms around him too.

"Stay safe," he mumbled. 

"When have I not?" Aurelia replied. This didn't appear to be the answer he was hoping for, as he gave her a scornful look. "I mean, I will."

Aurelia stood outside the Potters' household in no time. It was large — Aurelia had been to the house on numerous occasions, but still their house never failed to amaze her. Suddenly an elderly woman opened the door. Euphemia Potter was a frail lady, with grey hair and warm hazel eyes — much like James. She was always sweet and caring to pretty much anyone. 

Euphemia beamed at her. "I was hoping to see. Come quick, the boys are upstairs. Heavens knows what they're up to."

"Thank you, Mrs. Potter," Aurelia said. 

Aurelia entered the large house, then made her way upstairs. She could hear a loud ruckus coming from one of the bedroom doors. She opened it, and the sight inside terrified her.

Sirius was singing so loudly that Aurelia had to cover her ears, James was whistling a tune, Peter was dancing so clumsily that he tripped on multiple occasions, and Remus was eating a huge block of chocolate while contently reading a book. There were banners everywhere, pieces of parchment laid carelessly on the floor, piles of food — chocolate frogs, licorice wands, acid pops, peppermint toads, and — to Aurelia's distaste — cockroach clusters. A table held a mountain of Butterbeer and other various drinks such as Pumpkin juice.

"What in the name of Merlin is happening here?" Aurelia asked over the loud cacophony.

"Partying, of course!" Peter yelled back.

"Sweet Rowena, I really shouldn't be surprised by this point," Aurelia sighed. 

Remus nodded his head, "That's what I often have to remind myself."

"Moony, can I have some of your chocolate?" Aurelia asked, scanning the chocolate in his hand. She had just had some not even a few hours ago, but it was chocolate. Of course she would want some more.

Remus' face contorted into pure panic. "No one's allowed to eat my chocolate!"

"But it looks so good!" Aurelia exclaimed.

"Get some off the table then!"

"But I'm too lazy!"

"It's literally two feet away!"


James and Sirius made their way over, both carrying a pile of chocolate frogs in their hands. "Help yourself!" they said in unison.

As if her life depended on it, Aurelia hastily opened chocolate frog upon chocolate frog; each time putting it in her mouth before they could jump their way out of her hand.

"I feel like I should be staggeringly concerned," James said, regarding her with amusement.

Peter cracked up. "Staggeringly!"

"Don't be!" Aurelia said, whilst she cheerily unwrapped some more. 

"Quill, you're going to choke!" Sirius said.

"You're worse than Moony," Peter mumbled.

Remus looked away from his book. "Hey!"

"What, it's true."

"I have an idea!" James said. "Let's all try some of this Gigglewater."

"If you say so..." they all grabbed a bottle, and in sync, drank large gulps of the drink. 

It was a terrible idea.

It only took ten seconds for the drinks' effects to work on them. As if they had been hit with an overdone Cheering Charm, all five of them were on their hands; they were laughing so hard tears formed in the corners of their eyes.

"Brilliant!" James exclaimed.

"Brilliant!" Sirius mocked.

"You're dead!" James said, whacking him over the head.

"No, I'm Sirius!"

"You're dead serious!" Aurelia said. All four heads turned to her in complete shock. "Oops..."

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