Unexpected Surprise

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In the morning when they woke up it was bright and sunny out, with a few white fluffy clouds painted across the azure sky. There was a gentle breeze and bees were hovering over flowers to pollinate — foliage was blowing in the wind in an array of greens and yellows, and birds were chirping in a sing-song tune.

Aurelia got out of bed, stretching her arms and yawning widely as she observed the two sleeping girls in the beds beside her. Quietly she began tiptoeing her way to Marlene's bed and gently shaking her awake. Marlene still didn't get up, so Aurelia had to pull the covers off of her.

 "It's morning," Aurelia said, making sure to keep her voice down. "It's time to wake up."

Marlene responded by turning the other way so she was no longer facing her. Aurelia sighed, "I guess we can't get any pastries."

Marlene let out a loud, unexpected screech at her words, alerting Lily in the process. Lily immediately jumped out of her bed, her alarmed eyes pointed at Marlene. "Did something happen?"

Marlene looked around, a sudden frown on her face. "Nightmare, I'm sorry."

Aurelia gave her a sympathetic smile. "I can get some food for you if you'd like."

This successfully managed to capture both Marlene's and Lily's interest. "Yes please!" they exclaimed at once.

Aurelia would have normally argued that Lily wasn't coming along with, but she gave a firm nod before swiftly pulling on a burgundy sweater and heading out the door. She began walking, heading her way down until she saw the lady from yesterday handing out cakes and pies to customers. Now that she was close up, Aurelia could see that she had grey wispy hair and a kind face; her blue eyes held a twinkle as she looked towards Aurelia, watching her curiously as she read the menu.

"Three cinnamon rolls please," Aurelia said. "Oh, and two pieces of chocolate cake," she added as an afterthought.

The lady placed them on the counter. "That will be ten pounds please."

"Thank you," Aurelia said, pulling out the money and placing it on the counter next to where the food was. Aurelia grabbed her stuff before hurriedly going back to the room — trying to keep her eyes from lingering on the food in her hands so she wouldn't eat it all before Lily and Marlene could have any.

"I have some—"

Aurelia stopped mid-sentence. Marlene and Lily were huddled next to one another on the couch, reading something excitedly.

Marlene motioned Aurelia to join eagerly, so Aurelia sat on the couch — slightly confused, slightly amused.

"I'm Head Girl!" Lily exclaimed, shoving the letter in Aurelia's face. 

Aurelia took the letter, grinning as she began reading it. "Congrats!"

"Lia," Marlene said, "I think you got your O.W.L. results!" She pointed to an envelope sitting on the table, right in front of where they were sitting.

"I do?" Aurelia opened the envelope in anticipation, hands shaking as she read her results.

𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬

Pass Grades

Outstanding (O) Exceeds Expectations (E) Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades

Poor (P) Dreadful (D) Troll (T)

Aurelia Elara Livierre has achieved:

Astronomy O                                                                             

 Care of Magical Creatures O

Charms O

Defense Against the Dark Arts E

Divination O

Herbology E 

History of Magic O

Potions O

Transfiguration O

Aurelia looked up, shrugging as she handed it to Lily. "Could be worse I guess." 

Marlene scoffed, looking at it over Lily's shoulders. "You have an 'Outstanding' in History of Magic? I knew you were a nerd, but this?"

Lily shot Marlene a look as she ruffled Aurelia's golden hair. "Maybe next year you can be Head Girl like me!" she beamed proudly, giving Aurelia a final pat on the back.

A large snowy owl suddenly flew right through the window, carrying an envelope with the words 'Lily Pad' on the front. Lily scowled as the owl dropped the envelope right beside her, "What are the chances that no one saw a huge owl fly through a hotel window?"

When there was no response she sighed, opening it up. "It's from James." Her bright green eyes slowly widened in a comical manner, her once elated expression turned into a horrified frown. 

"He's Head Boy?"

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