Demented Like A Dementor

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It was soon O.W.L. exams for the fifth years, and since the group of Marauders adamantly refused to help Aurelia study — except, Remus, but he was currently in the Hospital Wing after the full moon — she resorted to studying with Regulus and his group of friends. Numerous people were doing last minute reviewing; Aurelia could distinctly make out Amora Rivera — another girl from Ravenclaw, staring vacuously at a piece of parchment that her friend had left her. A few seats away was the Hufflepuff girl from Care of Magical Creatures who was sitting with Pandora, the latter of the two looking off dreamily in the distance.

Mulciber and Avery were mouthing words soundlessly and Rosier had a permanent scowl as he wrote copious notes on The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5. Regulus and Aurelia, however, were busy using the Locomotion Charm on different objects, trying to see which one would be able to go to a distinctive location first.

Mulciber looked up, a questioning look on his face. "If I were an animagus, what would I be?"

"A beetle," Aurelia immediately replied, her wand pointed at a paper airplane as she levitated it into the sky, causing it to do grand loops. Regulus did the same thing, his own paper airplane making shapes into the air until it suddenly crashed with Aurelia's, causing them both to go down in a crumpled heap. Aurelia sighed, pocketing her wand before giving him her full attention.

Mulciber scoffed. "And why a beetle?"

"Isn't 'Mulciber' a genus of longhorn beetles? It only makes sense really."

Regulus frowned. "A beetle seems more like Rita Skeeter."

"Who's she?" asked Avery curiously.

It was Rosier's turn to look up. "She's that lady who always carries a quill, best known for spending all of her life harassing people."

"I only know her because of my cousin Bellatrix," Regulus informed them. "She was roommates with Skeeter and Umbridge — I think her name is — while she attended Hogwarts."

"Is 'Umbridge' that one that is clad in all pink on a daily basis? Because if so, her animagus would definitely be a toad," Avery said. 

"That's the one, but from my little knowledge of her alone I would say that's an insult to toads. If it were possible her animagus would be a Dementor."

"Maybe they could have a little kiss," Mulciber suggested.

"No," Regulus replied, "that would scar the Dementor for life."

"From what I'm hearing 'Umbridge' sounds more like 'Umbitch'," Aurelia said. 

Regulus nodded. "At least she won't ever be a professor; Professor Everhart is bad enough."

"Maybe she will," Aurelia said mysteriously.

"Dumbledore would never hire her, he would have to be dead."

"Maybe he will."

"I severely doubt that."

"All I'm saying," Aurelia began, "is that Dumbledore doesn't always have the best ideas when hiring teachers. You would think he would at least do background checks, but what with Professor Everhart anything is possible..."

"What's he going to do, hire You-Know-Who?" asked Rosier. "I know he's demented like a Dementor, but—"

"He could, indirectly."

"You're mad," Rosier said. "How could he do it 'indirectly'?"

"There are multiple ways," Aurelia began. "You-Know-Who could use polyjuice potion, he could somehow manage to share a body with another teacher..."

"You really are mad," Regulus said. 

"We're all mad here."

 "I don't know about you, but I feel pretty sane," Avery said, although he didn't seem quite sure.

"You're just as sane as I am," said Aurelia, "which, in other words, means not at all."

"What, it's not like I'm ever going to go to Azkaban."

"You could, but later escape."

"How? No one's ever done it before, I would probably have to be the first!"

"Nah," Aurelia answered. "Sirius would somehow manage if he were ever sent."

"How would Sirius manage to go to Azkaban in the first place?" Regulus asked. "He was the only one who didn't  believe that purebloods should be treated higher than muggleborns in our household."

Aurelia could instantly feel her smile drop at his words. "Yeah, I know."

Regulus frowned, but didn't say anything else as they continued to study in silence.

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