Lovebirds and Love Notes

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Sybill and Aurelia were making their way to breakfast on February fourteenth — completely famished — hoping that they would be able to grab a quick meal before heading their way to Transfiguration. They made it to the Great Hall and sat at the Ravenclaw table, downing cups of coffee in an attempt to awaken themselves. There was a sudden interference — hundreds of owls were swooping to the table, causing a disturbing number of droppings to land in peoples' porridge. The owls were going in a particular direction; that being towards the second year Ravenclaw, Gilderoy Lockhart. 

Lockhart looked thrilled at how much attention he was receiving; he flashed a pearly white smile. No one smiled back. 

"I bet he sent all those owls just to get attention from his peers," Aurelia said. "Hopefully breakfast doesn't get cancelled—"

Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers rose from their seats at the Teacher's Table; none of them looked pleased. "Breakfast is cancelled—" everyone groaned, "— because of the interesting number of owls that are being sent today." Everyone turned their attention to Lockhart, which he returned with another one of his pearly white smiles. "Class will start early."

"I should have warned you this would happen," Sybill mumbled.

"You knew?" Aurelia gasped. "You could have at least told me before that idiotic student ruined everyones' day!"

"Cheer up," Sybill said. "It's Valentines Day." 

"I've never liked Valentines Day," Aurelia admitted. "I don't get how it's such a big deal."

"You won't be saying that when you spend the rest of the day with Black after classes."


"You didn't deny it."

"We will be turning lovebirds into love notes," Professor McGonagall informed the class of fifth years. "To do so is by saying a simple incantation, 'Note Caritate'. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded while Aurelia saluted her. McGonagall sighed, "If you need any help let me know."

"I'm going to send Minnie one," Aurelia said. "She would love that."

"I don't think she would," Sybill answered her skeptically.

Aurelia scoffed. "Of course she would, I'm her favorite student!" She pointed her rowan wand at her lovebird."Note Caritate."

After the words were uttered, the green bird flew to the teacher's desk where the professor was sitting, who happened to be grading work through her spectacles. Once the bird got there, it transformed into a piece of parchment; elegant letters were written over the page neatly. 

Minnie, don't you see 

How my heart palpitates for thee,

How my love to you as gone unnoticed in times such as these.

Minnie, don't you see

How my heart beats erratically,

And my smile everlasting as I watch you gleefully.

McGonagall read the note, eyebrows scrunched over. She didn't even look up before saying, "Five points from Ravenclaw, Ms. Livierre."

Aurelia gaped, "I see how it is." She turned to Sybill. "She totally loved it."

"Whatever you say..." Sybill said slowly. 

All of a sudden a bird flew to Aurelia's table, before it too turned into a note, catching her completely off guard. 

Aurelia, with the luminescent green eyes,

 Resembling the hues of trees and grass and nature all at once.

Aurelia, with the auricomous hair,

Sun-kissed and bright,

Resembling you,

Because you are the sun and you are bright.

Aurelia, the name derives from the Latin word aureus, meaning "golden",

And you are golden, not just by the way you look, but by the way you act.

You are the sun and I am a star,

Both the same but both entirely different.

You're the golden one,

And without you I would be in the dark.

Aurelia looked behind her to see Regulus talking casually to Rosier. Sybill peered over her shoulder to read. "That's incredibly sweet... but also incredibly cheesy."

"Shut up," Aurelia responded jokingly, though she couldn't help her lips from twitching upwards.

"You two are such lovebirds."

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