Saltwater Breeze

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"Oh shut up."

Aurelia was temporarily in shock. Her feet were rooted to the ground as Regulus got closer; so close that his lips were just inches away. So close that she could smell saltwater breeze. So close that everybody's faces were drowned to nothingness — as if they were the only ones that were there in that moment. Aurelia was a blood traitor, it was risky. But the risk made it all the more tempting, all the more fun. His lips mets hers; they were gentle and sweet at first, but realizing that she wasn't pulling back, he deepened it — both cherishing every moment as their lips were connected.

Aurelia finally pulled back, a smile present on her face. Regulus was smiling as well, looking at her as if she was the only thing that mattered.

They both won that day; in more ways than one.

Aurelia met the remaining Marauders exultantly in the library; savoring the moment as she regarded them with triumph. This was probably the first time she ever saw James in the library — and the only time she saw Sirius there was when she had been studying with Regulus the previous year. The thought of Regulus caused her to redden. 

"So, are you going to tell us what happened yesterday?" James asked her, grinning in amusement at her carefree nature.

"Yeah, are you?"

Aurelia turned to Sirius, rolling her eyes. "You and Remus are a thing — you're hardly one to talk."

All of the Marauders turned to her with wide eyes. "WHAT?"

Remus nervously chuckled. "What are you talking about?"

Aurelia gave Sirius and Remus a solemn look. "I thought it was obvious... I'm sorry."

"Wait, what?" Peter looked towards Sirius, then Remus — clearly confused.

"For how long?" James asked, wiping a fake tear off his eye. 

Sirius sighed. "A little over a year."



"Well," Peter temporarily paused, "congrats?"

"He meant to say, 'CONGRATS!'" James clarified, kicking Peter under the table. 

"Now all you need is Lily," Aurelia snickered. "And then there's Frank and Alice — Sybill has repeatedly announced that boys aren't worth her time. Marlene can have—"

"Do you ever stop and think that who Marlene likes might be one-sided?" asked Remus quietly, watching her for any signs of a reaction.

Aurelia furrowed her brows. "Who does she like?"

Remus groaned. "Maybe you shouldn't have been placed in Ravenclaw."

"Don't say that to our dear friend!" Sirius gasped.

James quietly muttered, "Deer."

Remus looked towards Sirius. "Are you serious?

"Yes, for a matter of fact I am. I am truly the one and only Sirius Black."

"You're going to have a serious black eye soon if you don't be quiet — we're in the library for Merlin's sake."

"They're already quarreling like an old married couple," James laughed.

"They have been for the last four and a half years that I've been here," Aurelia said, shrugging. "I can't believe you're just finding about this now."

"If they don't be quiet we'll be kicked out," Peter mentioned. As if proving his point, Madam Pince shot them a warning look — eyes flashing dangerously. He gulped. "And they're still arguing."

"Sirius, be serious right now!" Remus cried out. "SHUT UP!"

"My name might be Sirius, but I'm seriously unable to be serious."

Aurelia was quick to note that tears were already streaming down Remus' face, and they weren't even married yet. "We're going to be kicked out!" he wailed dramatically.

"Not if you be quiet!"

"But you're the one making all of the noise!"

"No, you are!"

"So not true!"

"It so is!"

Peter gave Aurelia and James a bag of popcorn. 

"You're talking like a complete halfwit!"

"How else would you be able to understand me?" Sirius seemed genuinely curious.

"You're the nincompoop, not me!"

"I'm a what—"

"This proves my point exactly!"



At this point they attracted so much attention that Madam Pince made her way over, clearly displeased. "OUT!"

"But—" Aurelia tried to reason, wanting to finish the rest of the popcorn.

"I said 'OUT!'"

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