Boo, you whorecrux

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There was precisely one beat of silence before everybody began talking all at once.

"Regulus, as in Padfoot's brother?"

"Who else would he mean, Wormtail?"

"I'm so confused Fleamont, do you have any idea as to who they are talking about?"

"No clue."

"Quill," James started theatrically, "how could you?"

"Boo, you whorecrux," Aurelia responded, giving him a heavy eye roll. "Stop being bloody dramatic. It's not like I knew he sent them; besides, why does it matter?"

"What in Merlin's name is a 'whorecrux'?"

"Some sort of dark magic that is not relevant at all to our conversation."

"Did Reggie teach you whatever a 'whorecrux' is?" Sirius asked.

"No, as I said it is not at all relevant to our conversation, but, so you're informed, my friend Sybill told me about them for whatever odd reason — but I forgot what it meant exactly. I think she was in a trance," Aurelia paused, furrowing her brow. "That does happen every once in a while."

Euphemia gave a confused exchange with Fleamont. "That's a bit... concerning, don't you think?"

"Nah, she's fine," Aurelia dismissed absently. "She's just as sane as I am."

James snorted. "So not much then?"

"If she is randomly in some sort of trance, I'm going to leave her be and not constantly question her."

"I feel so lucky being your friend," Remus mumbled under his breath. "If I ever feel like I may perhaps be in danger I'll know exactly where to go."

Aurelia scowled, "Well, at least I'm not a traitor!"

"And who exactly among us is a traitor?" Sirius asked, looking half amused, half serious.

Aurelia panicked, and exclaimed, "Wormtail!"

Peter looked understandably upset. "Why must you constantly accuse me of being a traitor when I have done absolutely no harm?"

James seemed quite interested. "If Peter does betray us, would that mean he ratted us out?"

The Marauders all snickered — even Peter, whilst Mr. and Mrs. Potter groaned, taking their empty plates and leaving the table.

Aurelia left James' house soon after; but not before saying a quick goodbye and exchanging a few hugs. She got home, a huge beam plastered on her face, and immediately made her way to her room, yelling 'I'm here!' to let her dad know that she was, in fact, here. She took out her muggle pen and a piece of parchment — writing down a hasty letter.

Dear Regulus,

Thank you so much for the chocolate! I thought maybe you would want a gift in exchange, so I enclosed snickers. You probably have no clue what they are; it's a muggle candy, but they're really quite good. Whenever my friend Remus is ever upset, which happens during a certain time of the month, I usually go, "Here, have a snickers," and he usually calms down. It's like he's on his period; he really does turn into a beast every month. Anyways, I hope you like them!

Warm wishes,


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