Subdolous Snivellus

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Severus Snape had his nose in a book, but, looking up, he scowled once he discerned the troublesome group of Marauders talking to Lily Evans. Something they said must have been amusing because she let out a breathy chuckle, green eyes twinkling. Upon further examination, it had been something James Potter specifically said. His eyebrows furrowed, closely inspecting Aurelia Livierre — arguably the most loved Ravenclaw from Slytherin house — as she quietly said something to Lily, which made the latter blush profusely until her cheeks were as dark red as her hair.

Oh how he hated Aurelia Livierre. He hated the way her own green eyes shone humorously when she was about to say something — in Snape's opinion — as stupid as the idea of a House Elf being treated equally to wizards; as stupid as her large grin when Remus Lupin gave her the rest of his even more stupid chocolate. And especially as stupid as Lily Evans befriending her.

Severus Snape, who had a habit of putting his overly large nose in other peoples' business, despised the way Avery, Mulciber, and Rosier made friends with the Ravenclaw; it made certain aspects of his mission as a Death Eater harder for him as well as the three Slytherins in the year below him.

He hated the relationship between her and Regulus Black even more, and was glad when the young Black had informed them that he had broken up with her.

It had been Severus Snape who had found out Aurelia's dad was a muggle and mentioned this to the rest of the Death Eaters; he who had shown up at their house one day, knowing that Aurelia lived not far from his.

"What are you doing here in a Muggle town?" he had asked.

"I happen to live a few blocks away. What are you doing here; other than to annoy us, of course," Aurelia had retorted maliciously.

He sneered, "I live not far off as well."

It didn't take long to find out just where she lived.

Marlene McKinnon joined the Marauders and Lily Evans, right by Aurelia's side. Remus and Sirius showed a knowing look with Lily as Aurelia's lips brushed Marlene's ear, whispering something that in no doubt had to do with Lily and James. Marlene laughed in response, but her eyes remained focused on Aurelia, trying to hide the butterflies that formed in her stomach. Aurelia didn't notice how Marlene's eyes lingered on her a few moments more, then, as if realizing what she was doing, diverted her attention elsewhere — a rose blush dusting her face. Very few people knew about Marlene's affection towards Aurelia, because it seemed as if even fewer held positive opinions about... well, about... Marlene coughed, trying to hide her ongoing thoughts.

Snape couldn't help the smile that lingered on his face. This would be interesting. Especially considering Marlene's father too was a muggle. Word hadn't yet gotten out that Aurelia had a Muggle dad which she had denied for the past five years, but once it did, Snape was sure he would enjoy the show.

Feeling eyes on her, Aurelia turned, seeing Severus Snape right there beside some trees. Aurelia gestured to where he was standing — which captured all their interests.

"In a good mood, Snivellus?" Everyone seemed temporarily taken by surprise once realizing it had been Lily who had said this. The Snivellus in question scowled, "I will be."

Nobody seemed to notice how Aurelia gulped except for Marlene, furrowing her eyebrows quizzically.

Snape continued. "It's only about time when—"

"Be quiet," Aurelia said, just above a whisper. "Be quiet if you know what's best for you." She had her rowan wand in her hand, standing protectively beside Lily and the rest of the group.

James Potter nodded proudly, as did Sirius. "We could always find a permanent way." He gestured to his wand. Lily and Remus shook their head vigorously, but Peter was nodding excitedly.

"Well... I'll leave you seven..." His dark eyes gave one last sweeping glance before making his way to the castle, book in hand.

"Greasy-haired git."

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