The Spring Season

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Spring was near. The flowers were blossoming, and where flowers bloom, so does hope.

 Above anything, spring reminded people how prepossessing change can be. 

That's what it reminded Aurelia at least.

That's what it reminded Regulus.

Regulus was confused why Aurelia had gone from ignoring Sirius completely, to spending all of her free time with him. It annoyed him in a weird way, but he ignored that feeling, continuing to go on with his normal life; which was far from normal, considering he was a wizard and all. 

Regulus saw Aurelia talking amicably to Sirius and the rest of the — what Regulus had come to learn — 'Marauders'. He sneered at the thought of the group of irksome teens, wondering how someone like Aurelia, who was intelligent and kind and had a good sense of humour, could have possibly thought it a good idea to join them. It certainly didn't help that they were blood traitors no less. 

But Aurelia spent a good amount of time with Lily Evans, and she was a muggle born. Snape only mentioned his irritation with Aurelia everyday — what with how he had to spend considerably less time with Lily whenever Aurelia was around. Regulus didn't want to tell Snape that perhaps Lily liked her more than him — and honestly, who wouldn't — considering Snape had a very short temper.

Perhaps Snape was a blood traitor.

But Snape called everyone of muggle born status 'mudbloods' behind Lily's back, so that was unlikely.

Perhaps Aurelia was a blood traitor. 

She in no doubt was, and normally he would be disgusted if someone was — but somehow, no matter how hard he tried — he couldn't possibly be repulsed towards Aurelia, someone who brought a smile to his face whenever he saw her.

Was he a blood traitor for spending time with a blood traitor?

Maybe. The idea didn't disturb him as much as it should have.

Regulus noticed Aurelia laughing at something James had said, and, thinking he probably might come off as a creep, went on his way to Herbology class, hoping no one had seen him. 

However someone had  seen him.

And this person happened to be his own brother.

"I have to go," Sirius said hurriedly. "I just remembered I forgot something."

"Can't you just summon whatever you've forgotten?" Aurelia asked, observing how he hastily grabbed his rucksack. 

"Well yes, but no."

"What a horrible reasoning," James said. "Even Wormtail could find a better excuse than that."

"Don't be rude," Aurelia reprimanded. Peter gave James the stink eye, mumbling under his breath something along the lines of 'you'll pay for that'. 

While they were arguing, Aurelia, James, and Peter hadn't even noticed that Sirius had already left. Only Remus had, his chocolate brown eyes worriedly looking to where Sirius had been.

"Reggie, wait up!" Sirius yelled. 

Regulus turned around, and seeing Sirius, immediately went back to walking.


No answer.


Seconds passed by, yet still there was no response. Sirius sighed, making his way to go back, when suddenly he heard a voice. A voice he hadn't heard in such a long time.

"What do you want?"

Sirius smiled despite himself and catched up to where Regulus was; who was looking seemingly unfazed.

"I can't have a friendly conversation with my brother?" asked Sirius in mock offense.

"If it hasn't escaped your notice, I'm not your brother anymore," Regulus said, giving a heavy eye roll. 

Sirius' smile instantly faltered. "Right. Anyways, I was wondering if... well... you wanted me to help you in any of your subjects — if you want me to of course! I'm pretty decent at Potions, so I could lend a helping hand."

"I'm better at Potions than you are!" said Regulus incredulously.

"You definitely are not!"

"Am to! Besides, I already have Aurelia to help me, thank you very much. Unlike you, she's a decent person."

"Aurelia?" Sirius asked, his brows furrowed. "Does she talk to you often?"

"Yes. Speaking of which, I have Herbology with her right now, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be going on my way." Regulus scoffed slightly at Sirius' puzzled expression, and went back to walking to where the greenhouses were. 

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