Keep Calm and Quidditch On

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Marlene McKinnon's loud yells could be heard from miles away as she commentated the Gryffindor Slytherin quidditch match — and for the first time Aurelia was interested in going. Her eagle eyes were rapidly watching the two teams, and whenever either one of them scored, she would cheer loudly. Aurelia could distinctly make out James' and Sirius' offended faces whenever she clapped for their opposing team.

"And it's Slytherin in possession, Mulciber of Slytherin with the Quaffle, heading straight for the Gryffindor goal posts, Quaffle intercepted by James Potter of Gryffindor, Bludger heading towards him, Potter drops the Quaffle, it's caught by — Evan, Slytherin — who then scores, TEN-ZERO SLYTHERIN!"

"Go Evan!" Aurelia yelled at the top of her lungs, clapping amongst the sea of blue. He shot her a confused look before shooting back up towards the sky.

Remus and Peter decided to join her; Remus was carrying a bag of popcorn — some muggle snack that very few people knew about at Hogwarts — and Peter was holding Butterbeer that he had stolen from Hogsmeade. "Is there any reason as to why you're clapping for the snakes?" asked Peter.

Aurelia shrugged. "No reason," her eyes involuntarily drifted towards a certain player with green and silver robes. Regulus seemed to have felt her eyes, because he faced her — giving her a timid smile. Remus gave Aurelia a knowing look as her fingers nervously tugged at her burgundy sweater, sitting at the edge of her seat while looking on towards the match with rapt attention.

The match went on and on until finally Regulus saw a hint of gold flash across his vision and before the Snitch could get too far off, he threw himself forward; his fingers enclosing on it.

"TWO HUNDRED-FIFTY TO SLYTHERIN! SLYTHERIN WINS!" Marlene yelled. When she caught James' and Sirius' dejected looks she snickered, "Tough luck, boys."

Professor McGonagall politely clapped, whilst students began rushing towards the forest of green players in excitement. Aurelia made her way over, giving respectful nods towards the Slytherin players before making her way towards Regulus, who had a huge beam plastered across his face.

"Good job, Reggie," Aurelia said, giving him a pat on the back.

"Oh shut up," Regulus answered, before his lips met hers.

Sirius was furious — and yes, he knew it rhymed. He was currently sitting with the Marauders — excluding Aurelia — talking in silent voices.

"Sirius, you should have known your brother would get a love life. Besides, you're hardly one to talk," Remus said. 

Sirius flushed pink at Remus' words. "I want what's best for Regulus and Aurelia," Sirius decided to say, his eyes flickering towards the fire.

"Maybe Aurelia is good for Regulus," James said. "Quill has a way of seeing the good in pretty much anyone; maybe this is it."

"She doesn't see the good in Snivellus," Sirius countered.

 James sighed, "You get my point. Besides, who can see the good in him?"

"Lily did," Peter decided to say.

James scoffed. "That was before he called her a... a you-know-what."

"A Mudblood?" Peter asked. James shot him a look. "My bad."

"And then she saw him for what he truly is, a vile, disgusting dungeon bat."

"I mean, you aren't wrong," Remus muttered. "I don't see how the 'dungeon' part plays out; other than the fact that the Slytherin common room is in the dungeons. Though perhaps he'll take old Slughorn's place as Potions teacher."

"God, I hope not," Sirius said.

"You mean 'Dog, I hope not'?" Remus answered.

They all blinked towards him before letting out collective groans.

"Hey, what's Lily and Marlene doing?" Peter decided to ask.

Lily Evans and Marlene Mckinnon were talking to one another in hushed voices — as if trying to avoid attention.

"I don't know," James' eye were glued solely on Lily. "Let's find out."

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