The DADA Club

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As Aurelia and Sybill stepped into the Great Hall for breakfast, Sybill's words still lingered in the back of her mind. Like many times before, her friend's  eyes went back to normal, and she seemed to have completely forgotten her momentary trance-like state. Still on edge, Aurelia gave a strained smile when James Potter waved jovially, and Remus scooted over in his seat by the table to make room for her. Somewhat reluctantly, Aurelia said goodbye to Sybill, and promised to sit by her in Defense Against the Dark Arts. She scowled a little at the thought. Soon, she thought, her somewhat of a secret class organization would come into fruition. Aurelia felt a tad more auspicious at the reminder.

"What's up, boys?" Aurelia asked nonchalantly, dropping her large bag carrying all her items and swinging both her legs over the bench so that she was sitting. Remus looked over, seemingly impressed at the number of books it seemed to carry. Aurelia grinned mischievously — little did he know the contents were mainly things that would help in the number of pranks she had planned. Remus would be horrified if he found out that the once innocent Ravenclaw would succumb to such things as having a large raven follow Snape at every turn, spewing crude insults, the least insultive being: Don't look at the parchment too closely, your greasy hair will ruin it. Or: Is it just me, or does Lily Evans look more happy than usual, talking to James Potter. I wonder if she's always been this happy, or if it's because she and James are most likely together... — OH! That's right! She's no longer around you. Well isn't that a relief. To be fair, it was mainly on him. Remus and the rest of the Marauders had lead her on with that idea ever since the raven they charmed at her was quoting Edgar Allen Poe.

Sirius stabbed at his bacon rather harshly, and Peter seemed momentarily frightened at the intensity of his anger he seemed to be taken on the poor bacon. Aurelia couldn't help but share that sentiment. "What did that pig ever do to you? Kill your mother?"

"I wish," Sirius snorted, and James couldn't help but laugh beside him. Remus eyed him sympathetically.

Wait a second. Lily was sitting on the other side of James, and Marlene beside her. Since when did Lily ever sit next to James?

Aurelia gaped. "So what Brian said was true!" she pointed at Lily, then James, then back to Lily, then back to James, then back to Lily, then back to James, before Marlene rolled her eyes and reached across the table just to grab her hand and push it back onto the table.

"Brian?" Peter repeated, looking at her strangely. "There's no Brian at the school... is this one of your imaginary friends or...?"

In turn, everyone turned to give her their own sympathetic looks. To them, Aurelia was no stranger to 'imaginary' friends. In her first year, she claimed she had befriended a merman. Which was true! But none of them believed her! She was humiliated, HUMILIATED! Was her soaked hair and clothes not evidence enough?

"I call Dumbles that now," Aurelia sniffed haughtily. She decided that they didn't need to know the reason after they were so rude.

"Why?" Marlene asked, looking at her with kind eyes, and Aurelia felt her mild anger ebb away just slightly. Damn it! Why did Marlene have to always make that face! It was making her secret a lot more difficult to keep.

Aurelia sighed. "I suppose I'll tell you all," she said grudgingly, giving Peter a disdainful look. Peter shrank back into his seat. "I hope you strangle yourself to death," she said darkly. Everyone shot her slightly disturbed looks, and Aurelia hastily said, "Only joking, hahahaha." And then, discreetly, she whispered so only Peter could hear, "Or am I?"

"Very funny," Peter said, long past afraid of her empty threats, though he looked more on edge than he had a minute ago.

Aurelia cleared her throat. "If you must know, one of Dumbledore's multitude of middle names happens to be Brian. Now it will do well to not dwell on the names I have assigned for people, for the answers to your queries are much more grim than what it might seem."

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