Broken Charm and A Little Lad Who Loves Berries and Cream

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Aurelia lied wide awake all of that night, her mind too submerged as thoughts of Regulus riddled her every waking hour. She felt, in a strange way, an odd sense of comfort; she had missed Regulus so much, too much — the ways in which he would whisper something in her ear, unnoticed, and how he seemed always flustered within her presence. The way his ice cold eyes held a sudden amount of warmth, as if her being there melted the iciness that they held until it was just a pool of water, the sun — in all its luminous glory — reflected off of them as he not so subtlety stared at her in awe. She missed that, and she was glad to have it back.

But she wasn't certain about a few things. Although the trust Aurelia held in Regulus could rival the vast majority of those in Hogwarts, she wasn't sure if him helping Dumbledore was a good idea. She heard about "The Order" from two ecstatic Marauders, and their plans on joining them to help fight off Death Eaters by the end of their time at the school, but what with Regulus being branded with a new tattoo from good old Voldy Moldy With No Nosey, it clearly wouldn't be the best idea. And for some reason Aurelia was even more against him telling Dumbledore — feeling somehow cautious. While she didn't hold any strong vendetta against Dumbledore, she thought not to inform him about what was going on, as if he'd somehow manipulate the situation at hand. Aurelia knew she shouldn't perceive Dumbledore in that light, but she just couldn't help it.

Not to mention there was rumor about one of Dumbledore's multitude of middle names being Brian. Aurelia made it a personal reminder to call him that for now on.

In fact, by the time it was morning and Aurelia slipped on a pair of Doc Martens, an arm linked with Sybill's, she made sure to pass Dumbledore in the hall, and suddenly stopped walking. "How's the weather, Brian?"

Dumbledore gave her a pleasant look behind his half-moon spectacles. "Quite good." He didn't even seem to question Aurelia's nickname like he would have usually done, because he held a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I just heard some... gossip."

"Oh, do tell us the tea!" Aurelia and Sybill nodded enthusiastically, and Dumbledore beamed. "Lily Evans and James Potter are officially going out!" He squeaked excitedly, and both Sybill and Aurelia gasped. "WHAT?!"

Dumbledore continued, "I know, that was my reaction. But I wasn't too surprised — I had a feeling it would happen — and then guess what?"

"What?" Sybill and Aurelia chorused.

"McGonagall and I both won the bet against this weird student with greasy hair. Strange student, but man, was he loaded!"

"You mean to say—" Aurelia and Sybill shared a quick, momentary glance, "Snape was betting with you two against them getting together?"

"That's what his name is?" Dumbledore shrugged. "I've heard people call him Snivellus, so that's what I've been calling him. Hope he wasn't offended."

"Oh no Professor," Aurelia smiled, "he encourages people to call him that."

Sybill nodded. "I think that's what his mother called him. "Oh Snivellus dear, won't you be a little lad and get me some berries and cream for Mummy?" She mimicked in a high-pitched voice.

"Now Mummy's gone," Aurelia said sadly, before the two girls started dancing. "BERRIES AND CREAM, BERRIES AND CREAM! I'M A LITTLE LAD WHO LOVES BERRIES AND CREAM!"

Soon enough Dumbledore was dancing with them, chanting loudly within the halls. McGonagall, confused, said nothing as she passed them — although she did seem mildly terrified.

"It's been nice chatting with you, Brian," Aurelia said finally. "And thank you for the.... information regarding.... you know...."

"Yes, I was most delighted to tell you. I simply couldn't wait," Dumbledore said.

"We will be on our way now," Sybill announced, and with one last curt nod their arms were linked once again. Before they had enough time to get too far away, however, Sybill stopped Aurelia, and after searching through her bag she outstretched her palm and held something out for Aurelia.

Aurelia took it, then examined it within her own palm. It was a charm bracelet, the one Sirius had given her.

"I saw it on the ground in the library," Sybill said, and she seemed to have a faraway look in her eyes, misty and a little clouded over.

Aurelia beamed gratefully, "Thank you." Sybill merely shrugged, and welcomed the warm hug Aurelia was pulling her into. "I couldn't just leave it there, I saw you wear it before so I figured..." she trailed off.

Aurelia smiled one last time. And that was when she saw it.

One of the five charms was broken.

The feather.

"The first to go," Sybill said quietly, her eyes now almost completely misted over.

Aurelia swallowed thickly, a cold shiver running down her spine.

The first to go.

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