The Greatest Honor

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"How well do you think you did?" asked Regulus. His hands were shaking nervously and there was a look of anticipation written clearly across his face.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough," Aurelia said gently. "Don't stress over it." She looked over at  the Black Lake, green eyes distant as she fumbled with her bracelet. She suddenly turned back towards Regulus, her eyes suddenly shining brightly. "What are you going to be doing over the summer?"

A sudden wave of anxiety overtook him. "I don't know, what are you planning on doing?"

"If you don't have anything you would like to do, we could always find a place to spend time!"

"We could go to your place," Regulus suggested.

Aurelia coughed. "Definitely not a good idea..."

Regulus raised an eyebrow but stayed silent as Aurelia began listing numerous different locations.

"We could always get ice cream and go to an amusement park! What do you say?"

"What's an 'amusement park'?"

"You haven't heard?"

"Obviously, why else would I ask?"

Aurelia pretended she hadn't heard him. "It's a place with these amazing rides! We should definitely go!"

"I'll take it into consideration," Regulus said. 

A loud crack interrupted them; a twig had just broken. Aurelia looked up — only to see James, Remus, Peter and Sirius frozen in place. 

"Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave..." said James. Everyone waved. 

"Care to explain what you are doing here?" Although Regulus seemed to be speaking to all of them, it was quite clear his question was directed at Sirius.

"Why seeing my dear brother of course—" Sirius began.

"I'm not your brother."

"—and wondering if he could move out of my spot."

Regulus scoffed. "It isn't your spot. It's called the 'Black Lake' for a reason!"

"What do you mean?" asked Sirius, clearly confused. "I am a Black."

"Really, because I thought you were a Potter now."

James was slowly moving away — as was Peter, but Remus stood firmly by Sirius' side, his hand protectively on his shoulder. 

"You could always join me." Sirius looked desperate. "You don't have to put up with Onion and Wallburger."

"Who's 'Onion' and 'Wallburger'?"

"I thought that was obvious," Sirius said. "You have thoroughly disappointed me. Aury here as come up with the names herself." 

Regulus looked at Aurelia accusingly, but she only shrugged in response. "What? It suits them."

"Unlike you family loyalty means quite a bit to me," Regulus said.

Sirius let out a sigh. "Don't tell me you want this. Don't tell me they aren't doing what they did to me." Sirius touched Regulus' upper arm. Regulus flinched, a sudden pained expression overtaken him. Sirius gave him a knowing look, causing Regulus to advert his gaze towards the water. 

"Now do you mind moving?"

"Sirius," Remus warned.

"I mean it is my spot."

"I would hit you," Regulus said, "but that would be animal abuse."

Remus laughed. "I mean you aren't wrong."

"Don't bother, Onion and Wallburger have hit me enough without any of your help."

"That's it, I'm leaving."

"Oh please don't go," Sirius wailed dramatically.

"You are completely infuriating!"

"I mean you aren't wrong," Remus repeated.

"He really isn't," Aurelia muttered absently.

Regulus made his way to the Slytherin common room; a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs — giving itself an eerie air. He made his way to his dorm, where Mulciber, Rosier, and Avery currently were. All of them looked up; their faces held a sudden sense of fear. "Did you get one too?"

Regulus paused. "Did I get what?"

"A letter!" said Rosier, as if it was obvious.

"No, why—"

Regulus' screech owl came in just as he was talking. He dropped an envelope in Regulus' lap, and with shaking fingers Regulus opened it.

Dear Regulus,

We have incredibly exciting news that we would like to share! The Dark Lord himself is planning to visit Grimmauld Place in a few weeks, so it's your job to make the place look as presentable as you possibly can. 

Speaking of the Dark Lord, there is a possibility that you will be receiving the greatest honor; of course I won't be spoiling it for you — I'm sure you'll be just as thrilled as us though! 

Regulus looked away, not wanting to finish the rest. "He's going to do it, isn't he?"

"Yes," Rosier said. "He's going to give us the Dark Mark."

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