I Could've Dropped My Croissant

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For the next few weeks Aurelia spent her days in solitude, replaying all of the events that had occurred previously. When the summer was finally over and she was forced to study yet another year of magic she couldn't possibly be in worse spirits.

She was probably the only one that felt that way.

For some reason James wasn't pestering Lily anymore; Aurelia wondered whether he took some of her advice. Because of this both Lily and everyone else seemed to be in a better mood — especially Marlene, who found James just as annoying as Lily.

Sirius and Remus started talking, a lot, and Aurelia was tempted to figure out why. She decided she didn't want to intrude — instead she spent her evenings in her dorm listening to sad music.

Sybill was not pleased.

Although she was used to it by now, Sybill still found Aurelia's self-deprecating thoughts annoying. She would try her best to remain patient as Aurelia spent late hours into the night talking to herself allowed; sometimes, however, her impatience got the best of her.

Sybill slammed her book shut, setting it aside before going to Aurelia's bed. The other girls in the dorm were already fast asleep, muttering strange things as they slumbered on.

"It's late," Sybill informed Aurelia grudgingly. "Go to sleep or I'll owl your mother." She said the last part is a strict voice, looking towards her as if she was a disobedient child.

Aurelia blinked. "She's dead." 

Sybill stared blankly at her for a second before her expression turned mortified. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. "I completely forgot!"

"It's fine." Aurelia said, before turning on her side so she was no longer facing her. "Good night, I guess."

"Good night." 

Sybill turned the music off, before she too returned to her bed, her eyelids heavy as she curled up in her blankets. In the bed next to her, where Aurelia was already in a profound sleep, she could hear small whispers — something about a letter and a mysterious item. Sybill sighed deeply, thinking nothing of it, as she slowly drifted off.

The next morning Aurelia sat at the Ravenclaw table in her usual seat, sending people tired smiles when they looked her way. Professor Flitwick handed out their schedules, bouncing joyfully as he regarded the milling crowds of people entering the Great Hall. From a few tables away James was eating a croissant as his hazel eyes stared dreamily in the distance, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. Aurelia's sudden presence alerted him; he spun around in his seat, mouth agape. "I could've dropped my croissant!"

Aurelia ignored him, grabbing a chocolate cookie and stuffing it in her mouth. Professor McGonagall gave her a reproving glare as she handed out James' schedule. Aurelia waved cheerfully, "Morning, Minnie!"

McGonagall surveyed her in a stern manner. "You're allowed to sit at the Gryffindor table, but please don't be such a bother."

"How am I being a bother?" asked Aurelia. She pointed an accusing finger at James. "If anything, he's the bothersome one here!"

James shook his head, pushing a plate of chocolate pastries to shut her up. Professor McGonagall shot them one last look before returning to the High Table; in the centre of the table Dumbledore was sitting in a large golden chair, his twinkling blue eyes studying them.

Aurelia thought he was a creep.

James, noticing her line of sight, immediately grew interested. "Weird guy, isn't he?" he questioned. "How old do you reckon he is?"

"Prongs!" Aurelia whispered loudly. "You can't go around saying that! Look at him, he's obviously been through a lot."

James gave her a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

"Albus Dumbledore. Who names their kid 'Albus'?"

James nodded in agreement, "I'll be dead before I have a child who names their child Albus."

"I have no doubt about that." Aurelia paused to turn her head. Sirius, Remus, and Peter were making their way to the table where they were sitting, panting heavily as they took their usual spots.

"Sorry we're late," Peter said in between breaths. "We got lost."

"No worries, I didn't even notice," Aurelia said. 

"I don't know how to feel about what you just said," Remus mumbled. Sirius put his finger to his mouth; he was looking at the Slytherin table, sitting on the edge of his seat. At once their eyes all drifted off towards the Slytherin table; as well as the rest of the Gryffindor table, and all of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws.

Severus Snape was sitting by himself, drinking a goblet of Pumpkin Juice whilst he was reading a book. All of a sudden he began hysterically laughing; tears poured down the sides of his face as he clutched his sides. Lily came up to James, her face almost as red as her hair. "What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything!" James responded. "It must have been someone else!"

Sirius, Remus, and Peter all shared a quick glance.

Sirius let out a cough. "It was me."


"It was me," he repeated. "All me. James didn't do anything."

Lily stood there for a minute — trying to distinguish whether he was lying. "Sorry about that," she said to James. "I just thought—"

"Yeah, it's fine," he answered, giving her a wide beam. Lily awkwardly went back to her seat with Marlene — the latter of the two giggling as the former buried her head in her hands.

"She totally likes me," James whispered.

"Thanks for covering for us," Peter squeaked to Sirius. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius, his face tinted pink. "Yeah, thanks."

"No problem."

Snape, who was still laughing, sped out of the room once he realized no one was about to help him. Aurelia's brow furrowed, "Alihotsy draught, I assume?"

"How did you know?" Peter asked.

Aurelia shrugged her shoulders. "Drinking or inhaling its fumes causes hysterical laughter. I thought everyone knew that."

"Show off," Sirius muttered. Remus kicked him underneath the table. 

Regulus' ice blue eyes were pinned on Aurelia, the hint of a smile visible on his face before it turned into a frown. Rosier was busy telling him something, so he diverted his attention back to his group of Slytherins — hoping no one had seen.

However someone had seen him.

And this person happened to be his own brother.

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