Quoth The Raven "Nevermore"

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Aurelia was just walking around through the corridors — seemingly unaware that a flock of ravens was following her around. Students of all houses gave her odd looks as she was heading towards the library, and she was about to head in when she heard a loud cacophony of voices behind her. "Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'," said a chirpy voice. Wondering why someone was quoting Edgar Allen Poe, she turned around — only to be met with a dozen ravens. For a moment Aurelia just stared blankly at them, trying to understand why they were in the castle and if she was hallucinating, until she was hit with a sudden realization.

"Filthy turncoats," Aurelia muttered under her breath, before she began running around in an attempt to lose the birds. This was to no avail; they must have been charmed. Still she remained running, until she finally caught up to the group of Marauders, a furious expression on her face. Aurelia pointed an accusing finger, "What did you do?!"

"We didn't think they would follow you," James tried to clarify, smiling nervously. 

"We charmed them to follow a Ravenclaw; it just so happens you are the most promising one," said Sirius. 

"I was against the idea!" Remus and Peter exclaimed at the same time. 

James gasped. "What are you talking about? You two were the ones who came up with it!"

Peter snickered, "What do you mean?"

"We wouldn't do such a thing," Remus said innocently. "Well Peter would because he's a traitor but I'm by far the most righteous and ethical person here."

"You're the only one who knows Edgar Allen Poe, Moony! You came up with what they'd say while Peter came up with the idea to enchant them!" Sirius yelled. 

"Like I said, I wouldn't do such a thing. Quill knows I'm innocent." When Remus looked towards Aurelia, only to see her eyes pointed at him accusingly he chuckled anxiously. "Right?"

"I think you're all guilty," Aurelia huffed. "Now please help me get rid of them or I'm telling Professor Flitwick."

Just at that moment Professor Flitwick turned the corner. He stared at the group of students before smiling widely. "Excellent charm work! Ten points to Gryffindor!"

Aurelia gaped at him while Remus howled. "Save that for the full moon," Aurelia warned. "Now help me get rid of them or I'm telling the Bloody Baron."

"You wouldn't!" Sirius said in disbelief.

"You severely underestimate me."

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