Curiosity Kills the Cat

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"Snivellus, what are you doing here?" asked James, seemingly unaware that he was still a stag. Aurelia, however, grew alarmed, noticing a very large werewolf, his teeth bared and menacing, his almost human-like eyes setting on Snape — waiting for the right moment to attack his prey. Aurelia nudged her wing, and pointed it to where Remus was. Peter seemed to catch on to what was happening whilst Sirius looked completely nonchalant. In fact, in his dog form, he looked somewhat amused, as if seeing Snape was the most hilarious thing he'd seen all day.

James was the first to act. In that moment, he seemed to set his constant feud with Snape aside. He turned from his stag form into his human one — and in one rapid movement, pushed Snape back, standing in front of him — endangering himself while doing so. Aurelia, who watched the ordeal with frightened eyes, used the opportunity to fly above to where the werewolf was, flapping her wings above his head. This seemed to distract him for the moment, allowing James to grab Snape roughly and push him towards the exit. Snape didn't even waste a fleeting glance back before he hurriedly set off, leaving the Marauders alone. 

Peter, who had earlier looked as if debating whether or not he should help out, seemed to relax slightly. Sirius barked, acting as a reminder that James should turn back into his animagus. 

Aurelia, however, was in a much worse predicament.

She lay on the ground, her feathers were disheveled, one of her wings broken. She was bleeding profusely, only half aware what was going on, as her eyes were growing hazy. 

It was Sirius this time that took action. Gently, he picked the eagle up in his malodorous dog mouth. The four animaguses hurried off out of the Shrieking Shack towards the castle.

When they entered, Sirius set Aurelia on the ground as they all turned back. Aurelia was having a little more trouble, but eventually she managed, smiling weakly at them. She definitely didn't feel as bad as someone normally would have felt if a werewolf had bitten you, which was strange, but she dismissed the thought as she so often did.

"Are you okay?" asked Sirius, scanning her to make sure she was fine.

"Bloody brilliant," Aurelia said. "Get it, bloody? And, Sirius, you have dog breath by the way. Quite literally."

Peter snorted. Sirius scowled. James looked quizzical. 

"It's not the time for silly puns," Sirius said. "You could have been severely hurt! Luckily he didn't bite you." Aurelia was bemused; why else would she be bleeding? She decided not to mention that he did, in fact, bite her. It was lucky though that she no longer felt an ounce of pain.

"Speaking of which," James said, his expression turning quite sour, "what was Snivellus doing in the Shrinking Shack?"

All three heads turned to Sirius. Sirius gulped, rubbing the back of his head. "I- I didn't actually think he was daft enough to..."

"Daft enough to do what?" Aurelia asked, catching on to what was happening.

"To listen to what I said!"

"You did that?" Peter questioned. "Why?"

"He was being nosy about Remus!" said Sirius, his eyes darkening. "And if the school found out that Remus was a werewolf—"

Aurelia laughed, a high, cold laugh. "So you thought it was a good idea to direct him to where Remus was hiding, in his werewolf form? You should be lucky that he has no way to prove what he saw."

Sirius had the decency to look ashamed of his actions. James, however, wasn't having any of it. "That was bloody stupid of you. We could have all died—"

"Or worse, expelled," Aurelia decided to add. Peter gave her a confused look. "You need to sort out your priorities."

"—and gotten into serious trouble," James continued. Peter snorted again. "Not the time, Wormtail." 

"I'm sorry!" Sirius said. "I'll never betray your trust again. I promise.

James seemed to consider him for a moment, before he slowly nodded. "I know you'd never betray me. Come on, it's getting late."

For the rest of the night, they didn't bump into anyone — until they happened to meet the Ravenclaw ghost half way through. She gave the boys a puzzled look, before diverting her full attention to Aurelia, her expression turning a lot more harsh. Aurelia raised her brow. How was that fair? 

"I'll take her from here." 

Aurelia had no choice other than to follow her, which made Aurelia extremely anxious. When they reached the fifth floor — finally reaching to where the eagle knocker was — Helena turned to her, her gaze remaining stern.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to wander the castle's halls during such a late hour?"

"I was sleep walking," Aurelia said immediately. Her own words made her cringe slightly. What a pathetic excuse.

Helena didn't look the least bit convinced. "I may be lenient on you, but if I catch you out of bed before hours again you won't be as lucky. I thought that you, out of anyone..."

"I get curious sometimes," Aurelia decided to say. 

Helena smiled ever so slightly. "I suppose us Ravenclaws are known for being curious. But remember, curiosity kills the cat."

Aurelia chuckled. In this case it wasn't a cat. Helena looked at her questioningly, prompting Aurelia to elucidate on what she thought was so funny. Aurelia beamed, "but satisfaction brought it back."

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