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In a large town located in the midlands of England, by the name of Cokeworth, there resided three girls. Two of the three were witches — whilst the oldest was a Muggle by the name of Petunia Evans. 

Lily was swinging on the play set — going higher and higher each time. Suddenly she stopped, turning to Aurelia who was right beside her, who happened to be swinging as well. Aurelia, however, wasn't going nearly as high, for fear of somehow falling off.

"Lia," Lily said quietly, "you know what this reminds me of?"

"I'm sure you've been to a playground before," Aurelia said absentmindedly.

Lily hesitated, but nodded. "Do you think this will all be over soon?" she asked at last.

Aurelia looked towards her, her brow furrowed. "You mean the war?"

Lily nodded, "well, everything really, but that too."

Aurelia got off of the swing, holding her hand out towards Lily. "This will all be over soon, I promise."

"But what if—"

"Lily," Aurelia started sternly, "I'll be dead before something happens to you."

"That makes me feel loads better," Lily mumbled sarcastically, but she placed her hand on top of hers, a smile overtaking her features. "Your like the younger sister I've never had. I wish Tuney still liked me."

"I'm sure she does. She's just... jealous."

"Can I tell you something?" Lily asked. Aurelia inclined her head. "I think if Tuney didn't meet that dreadful Vernon she wouldn't be nearly as bad."

"Vernon, you mean the guy that attends Smeltings?"

"That's the one."

They continued swinging in silence — feeling, for the first time in awhile, complete bliss. That was until a boy with greasy black hair and a thin face interrupted them. He regarded Aurelia with an air of pure loathing. "What are you doing here in a Muggle town?" he asked.

"I happen to live a few blocks away. What are you doing here; other than to annoy us, of course."

He sneered, "I live not far off as well." He turned his attention to Lily. "Can I talk to you... alone?"

Lily scoffed. "Yeah, no thank you."


"You heard her Snape," Aurelia said, "she doesn't want to talk to you. And honestly, who could blame her?"

"Lily can decide for herself," Snape snapped angrily.

"I doubt she'd forgive you after calling her a derogatory slur word!"

"Lia, that's enough!" Lily said. Her green eyes turned dark when she turned her attention towards Snape, eyeing him with disgust. "Though she does have a point. If you know what's best  for you, I suggest leaving."



Snape gave one last imploring glance towards Lily, but when she didn't so much as look back, he huffed and left; shooting Aurelia a look of pure venom before doing so.

"Sorry about that," Aurelia muttered.

"It's fine," Lily responded. She looked towards Aurelia, her eyes instantly softening, "do you want to see something?"

Aurelia cocked her head, bemused. "Sure, I guess."

Lily roamed the playground, before spotting a lily that was laying on the ground. She held out her palm, and the lily's petals began opening and closing, like some bizarre, many-lipped oyster.

"You know we're not supposed to practice magic outside school until we turn of age, right? You could get in serious trouble," Aurelia told Lily, though she was observing the flower curiously.

"I'll only get in trouble if I get caught," Lily said thoughtfully, still playing with the lily's petals.

"Spoken like a true Gryffindor."

"Spoken like a true Ravenclaw."

Aurelia chuckled. "I'm not afraid of the Ministry either, for a matter of fact. Most of the workers are complete dunderheads — excluding Kingsley and Mad-Eye, of course."

"You try, then," Lily said, indicating the flower in her hand. "Go on."

Aurelia searched the grounds, before finding a light blue flower with a yellow center. She opened her palms, and the flower's petals opened and closed — much like Lily's had done; except Aurelia's resembled that of a Forget-me-not.

Forget-Me-Not → Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now