Apologies and Butterbeer

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Aurelia hurried through the castle's halls, trying to find Sirius. She wanted to exonerate all of her accusations against Sirius; feeling guilty that after over four years of friendship she hadn't thought that maybe he had invited Regulus over. It pained Aurelia; she should have second guessed his intentions — knowing all too well that he, above anyone else, wouldn't go around putting fault on an entire house. It was generalization at its finest — and if living with his abusive parents had taught him anything, it was not to condemn a whole group of people just because they were cunning and resourceful. That in no way made them evil. Aurelia failed to realize that Remus had not said that that part Sirius had lied about — and not merely just the part of him offering Regulus a place to stay at the Potters' household. No, he did have a sense of prejudice against the Slytherins, Aurelia just refused to acknowledge that piece of information. If she had any flaw, it was her thinking the best of people, even if her conscience told her otherwise. 

"Sirius!" Aurelia yelled through the loud cacophony that the students of all the houses were creating. "Sirius, wait up!" 

A tall, recognizable figure turned, spotting Aurelia in the distance. Through the bustling crowd, he managed to reach her, swiftly tugging her arm so that they could find a separate place away from everyone. 

He pulled her along, only stopping when they found a secluded area. Sirius nervously smiled; Aurelia noted that this was probably the first time he seemed actually nervous — rather that him being bold that he so often was like, to the point that it got to be a little much. 

Aurelia took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for not giving you a chance afterwards to explain everything," she looked hopelessly at him. "That was wrong, and I'll try to never do that again."

"I'm sorry for being a massive git," Sirius said. "That was wrong too."

"Does that mean we're good?" Aurelia asked. "Are we back to being the five Marauders, rather than just the four?"

"It means we're good," Sirius said. All of a sudden, he crashed into Aurelia, hugging her so tightly that he was practically suffocating her.

"Merlin I missed you Quill. It's great to have you back." 

"S- Sirius, I- I'm trying to b- breathe!"

Sirius released Aurelia immediately, giving her an apologetic look. "My bad." 

"It's fine," Aurelia laughed, "just warn me next time."

For all of the next few days, Aurelia spent an increasing amount of time with her fellow Marauders. They planned the time where they would go in their animagus forms to help Remus out with his full moons; they're job basically giving him a sense of comfort whilst in his werewolf form by not being the sole living thing in the Shrieking Shack. While he would rarely hesitate to maim or seriously injure a human, he wasn't as eager or voluntary when they were animaguses.

Currently, however, James was telling them a 'hilarious' event that happened in Transfiguration, comprising how he and Sirius had been caught putting stink pellets near where Snape was. This had backfired when Professor McGonagall had interfered, which ended up not going to plan for the two troublesome Gryffindors and the Professor.

"So when I was going to put it close to where Snivellus was sitting, Minnie tried to intrude," James and Sirius began laughing, whilst Remus looked ashamed at having befriended them. Peter and Aurelia began choking on their Butterbeer; Aurelia gave a maniacal laugh, involuntarily impersonating Sirius' cousin. Luckily he paid no mind — still laughing hysterically at what James was saying. "But then it ended up hitting her and Professor McGonagall went Professor McGonagone!" 

"Hilarious," Remus said, "not your best move considering you want Lily to go to Hogsmeade with you, what with you trying to put a stink pellet near one of her best friends, but I applaud you nonetheless. Amazing use of turning the Professors name into a joke, but I suppose not all of us can win the 'Most Funny Person to Walk this Earth Award'."

"Stop being sarcastic," Peter said. "You're just jealous that James has funnier puns than you do."

"That's not saying much though," Aurelia said, giving Remus a confused look. "Just the other day you ended up saying the worst pun that I've ever heard in my life."

Remus turned beet red. "I may or may not be jealous of James' and Sirius' good sense of humour."

"I knew it!" Sirius exclaimed. "You are jealous!"

"Don't worry Moony," Aurelia stated solemnly, "you'll be able to reach their level of greatness someday."

"What about me?" Peter asked, nibbling on a piece of cheese. 

"Don't worry, you've already surpassed them," Aurelia answered, beaming at him.

Peter looked quite happy at what she said, and contently went back to nibbling.

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