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Professor Slughorn was at his desk in the Potion's classroom, watching jovially as his class began to fill up. Students began sitting at their tables, their eyes wandering curiously around the room. Aurelia — who was late to class — ducked her head down so the professor wouldn't see her and quietly sat at the table next to Sybill Trelawney and Amora Rivera. Lark Scamander was sitting at the table as well, looking up cheerfully. "Hello there!"

"Hi," Aurelia said awkwardly. She fumbled with her bracelet, looking around the room nervously.  "Do you know what we're going to be doing—"

"Welcome to your sixth year potions class!" Professor Slughorn said, a wide beam plastered across his face as his gooseberry eyes lit up with mirth. "As you might know if you looked at your course schedule—"

Sybill coughed, elbowing Aurelia on the side. "Why are your elbows so pointy?" Aurelia hissed at her, before she elbowed Sybill back.

"Why are your elbows so pointy?"

"Guys," Lark said cautiously, "maybe we should pay attention."

"No," Amora replied. "Let them at it."

"—we are going to learn about Amortentia. Does anyone know what Amortentia is?"

Sybill stomped on Aurelia's foot to stop her from talking, but that only led her to let out a loud screech. Slughorn looked at the group of girls, before he pointed a finger towards Aurelia. "Can you tell me what it is?"

"What what is?"

Sybill let out a loud exasperated sigh, bowing her head down in embarrassment.

"Amortentia," Slughorn said, just as enthusiastically. "Can you tell me what it is?"

"Maybe you should ask Amora, I mean it is in her name."

Amora Rivera vigorously shook her head no, a look of panic visible across her face. Aurelia looked at her apologetically as Slughorn turned his attention to her. "Good idea, can you tell me what Amortentia is?"

"Isn't it some sort of love potion?"

"It's the strongest love potion," a Slytherin intruded, his ice blue eyes unwavering. "It makes the drinker deeply in love with whoever administered the potion."

Aurelia let out a laugh as if what he said was the most hilarious thing she had heard all day. "Is there anything you would like to say?" Slughorn asked.

"People don't actually think that Amortentia creates love, right?" When no one responded she continued. "Sure, an infatuation, but not love. That would be impossible to imitate or manufacture."

"Correct Ms. Livierre! Now, as you might see—"

"We didn't even get any points?" Aurelia pointed out in an incredulous manner. "You would think—"

"—Ms. Livierre," Slughorn said, now sounding impatient, "would you like to share with the class what you find so amusing?"

"Sorry," Aurelia mumbled under her breath.

"Right then." Slughorn took out a vial from his pocket and placed it delicately on the large round table in the center of the room. "When I call your name you will come up and tell me what you smell."

Regulus patiently raised his hand as he heard those words, staring at the vial quizzically. 

"Regulus, would you like to come up?"

"Actually — pardon me for asking — but isn't this, in a way, an invasion of privacy?"

The professor looked rather uncomfortable. "If you don't feel like going up—"

"No, no, it's fine," Regulus interrupted. He stood up before making his way to the table, holding the vial in his left hand. 

"So, Regulus, what do you smell?"

Regulus' eyes were scrunched closed, trying to think of each scent he could smell. There was an alarmingly strong chocolate smell, what smelled like butterbeer, and daisies.


His mind immediately went to the time from the previous year when he and Aurelia were sitting in the grass after their Care of Magical Creatures lesson. 

A girl with long, golden hair was threading daisies together — turning it into a flower crown before placing it on Regulus' head. "You're infuriating," Regulus told her, although he was watching in awe as she laid back down in the grass, her bright green eyes shining brightly.

 "I know."

"What do you smell?"

"Parchment," Regulus lied. "Just parchment."

Slughorn nodded in understanding, before he called other members of the class to come up.

"Ms. Livierre, it's your turn."

Aurelia went to the table; numerous scents wafted through the air in a spiraling steam. 

"Saltwater," Aurelia said blankly. "Broomstick handle maybe—"

"I thought you didn't like brooms," Sybill interrupted. 

"I mean brooms are alright I guess. It's quidditch I'm not particularly fond of. Snitches on the other hand—"

"That's quite enough," Professor Slughorn said. "You may return to your seat if you please."

For the remainder of the class they worked quietly in complete silence. Finally the bell signaling the end of class chimed. Everyone began grabbing their things to leave, and Aurelia was just about to go out when Slughorn called her.

Regulus, Rosier, Mulciber, Avery, Sybill and Lark were also still in the class, having been called to stay as well. "You are all invited to the Slug Club," Slughorn said. "There will be more people that will be coming, so hopefully you will all feel more than welcome to come. I will also be hosting parties." He wiggled his eyebrows as he said those words. "Where you can bring someone along with."

"Great," Regulus muttered. "Just great."

"In fact, you are all invited to have dinner with me next week!"

"That sounds great!" Lark said. "I can't wait to make friends with everyone here!"

"Like that will ever happen," Rosier said to himself.

Lark ignored him. "It will be splendid to see who will show up!"

"Right you are Ms. Scamander!" Slughorn looked very much pleased. "I will see you in our next lesson. Have a great rest of your day!"

"You too, professor," Regulus said before he left. 

"Go along now boy," Slughorn said. "Oh, and Regulus?"

Regulus turned around. "Yes?"

"Do tell Ms. Livierre to come if you will. It seems very unlikely that she will unless you ask her to."

"Knowing her you're probably right."

Regulus waved goodbye, making his way to Defense Against the Dark Arts with the rest of the Ravenclaws.

"I'm going to inform Dumbledore on this," Slughorn muttered. "Hopefully I will be able to get my twenty galleons by the end of the year."

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