Lockhart and Everhart

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It had been a few weeks since school was back in session, and Aurelia was in her Defense Against the Dark Arts class, a prefect badge pinned proudly on her blue and bronze uniform. Regulus was in the seat next to her; he had his own prefect badge on his uniform as well. Even though he would never admit it, he felt a great deal of satisfaction that his hard work hadn't gone to waste — not just because it would make his parents proud, but also so that Aurelia and him could patrol the corridors together as they didn't share all of the same classes.

Professor Everhart — like every teacher that Aurelia had in DADA — was new. He seemed to have a rather large ego, too, because he had been boasting all about his amazing achievements, and all about the books that he had written. There was one person who seemed to like him, and this happened to be a second year Ravenclaw by the name of Gilderoy Lockhart. Just the other day she had heard him talking about how he wanted to be just like the new professor; how he too wanted to do spectacular things and go down in history by said things. Sybill Trelawney had looked quite gloomy; she was very disappointed that someone like him had been sorted into their house, and she would often times mutter to herself that he would go down in history. But, according to her, she had said that it would be for all of the wrong reasons — so confidently in fact that Aurelia was forced to believe her. Personally she was hoping for someone to obliviate him — as wrong as that sounded.

"Can anyone tell me what a Pixie is?" Everhart asked the group of students, a permanent smirk etched across his face. He turned towards Regulus promptly, smiling widely at his raised hand. "Yes?"

"A Pixie," began Regulus, as if he had memorized the textbook from front to back, "are magical beasts that are electric blue in colour, known for causing havoc." He said the last part in a warning tone.

"Right you are!" said Professor Everhart. "Now why are Pixies often feared amongst us wizards? Other than because they cause havoc, as Mr. Black put it."

A girl with auburn hair raised her hand, eyes swollen. Everhart took no mind; he was still beaming widely in anticipation. "Yes, Ms..."

"Furmage, sir," the girl said. "Pixies are feared... well, because of what happened to Dymphna Furmage."

Aurelia cringed, knowing what was to come. Professor Everhart still didn't seem to pay any mind, nodding towards the girl to continue. 

"She was on holiday," Furmage resumed, "and she was abducted by them. She... died soon after."

Professor Everhart clapped enthusiastically. "Yes, yes. Of course you would know that. I thought it would be a splendid idea to bring them to class so I can demonstrate how to stop them from ever abducting any of you, if the time ever comes.

Furmage did not look the least bit pleased — nor did anyone else. Professor Everhart cleared his throat and made his way over to a cage that was previously hidden behind a piece of fabric. About a dozen Pixies were inside, waiting for the moment for the idiotic professor to release them from their confines.

When he did, the Pixies immediately began toppling over desks, ripping up pieces of parchment, and knocking over the numerous portraits lined against the walls. "Peskipiksi Pesternomi!" Everhart shouted. This didn't seem to work, causing Aurelia to scowl. She was sure he had fabricated the charm; why hadn't he just used a simple freezing charm?

"Immobulus!" Aurelia yelled. Regulus seemed to have caught on, as he yelled the same incantation — together managing to freeze and eventually capture all of them.

"Sorry about that," Professor Everhart said. "But if I hadn't done it then Mr. Black and Ms. Livierre wouldn't have been able to show the class their magical capabilities." The class blinked at him, full of clear disbelief. "Anyways," he coughed nervously, "class dismissed."

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