Beaming and Dreaming

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Aurelia sat with Sybill in Divination, lazily looking at her journal filled with dream interpretations that Professor Hemmings forced them to write. Aurelia was very bad at remembering dreams — so bad that she compiled a list of her own that she made up. One of them was about a sea cave, another about a letter. She even mentioned her suspicions on the possibility of Sirius going to Azkaban; she doubted it would happen, but she was very desperate on coming up with different ideas on what to write. Professor Hemmings got to their table, nodding in approval at Sybill's journal before making her way to Aurelia's. She picked up her compiled list of interpretations, eyebrows scrunched as she read them out loud.

"I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more," she paused. "I assume you're referring to the prediction regarding the letter?"

Aurelia nodded her head. "Well, actually there will be two letters — by the same person, but for two entirely different people." She hoped that she was saying this confidently; she really wanted full credit.

Professor Hemmings looked intrigued, pursuing to read further down. "And a close friend will betray another close friend's trust?"

"Yes," Aurelia said, "some would say that this person ratted them out." She tapped her foot nervously, growing slightly annoyed at how long the professor was taking. "To a certain dark lord that some would refer to as Voldemort," Aurelia decided to add.

This caused the reaction that she was hoping for. Hemmings jumped in the air, Sybill gasped, and the rest of the class that had previously been talking to their partners turned to face them in exasperation. This wasn't the first time this happened.

"Well," Professor Hemmings said after the brief moment of shock, "you both get full credit. Now please continue your Dream Oracle. We will be continuing the lesson next week."

Aurelia was patrolling the corridors with Regulus soon after, mumbling obscenities on how late it was getting.

"Language," Regulus scolded her.

There was a sudden interruption; loud footsteps could be heard, yet no one was in sight. Regulus looked around — a visible sign of confusion on his face. Aurelia smiled broadly, watching in amusement as he went around in circles trying to find the cause of the disruption. "You look like a dog chasing its tail," she informed him jokingly.

"No, that sounds more like Sirius," Regulus muttered under his breath.

"You're right," Aurelia agreed. "Speaking of which..."

She put her hand out in the air, her fingers finally settling on a piece of fabric. "I should have known," Aurelia said absently, before she managed to pull it off.

Sirius and James stood before them, each giving the Prefects nervous smiles as they rubbed the back of their heads awkwardly. "Prongs, Padfoot! What are you doing here?" her voice went a few octaves lower. "It's not the full moon yet."

"Yeah," said Regulus, eyeing James and Sirius with disdain. "What are you doing here?"

"None of your concern," Sirius said nonchalantly.

"The thing is, it kind of is. I'm a Prefect."

"Well, we do look to our prefects to take a lead at times such as these," James answered contently. "You know, with You-Know-Who." Regulus flinched. "Anyways, now that that's all settled, we will just be going now." He looked between Regulus and Aurelia, giving the latter a lopsided smile as he regarded the two with interest. Sirius scowled, successfully putting the invisibility cloak over their heads so all they could see were their shoes.

"They remind me of my friends," Regulus said.

Aurelia gave him a confused look. "That's... good, I suppose?"

"No, I meant to say that they are annoying."


"Our time is up," he said, suddenly frowning. "We have to patrol next Thursday starting at nine in the afternoon."

"Okay," Aurelia responded gleefully. "See you then!"

She began skipping her way to the Ravenclaw common room, smiling for no apparent reason; the scathing expression that the house ghost had on her face didn't even bother her. She successfully made it to bed without any interruptions — which was a first — and soon Aurelia was in a deep slumber, images of caves and water enshrouding her vision. One of these images, however, happened to be of a small blue flower, resembling that of a Forget-me-not.

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