First Meeting Disaster

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"So..." Aurelia began, seeing as everyone who had been interested in joining the new DADA club was now gathered in the Room of Requirement, dozens of eyes trailing between the many objects the room possessed — awe-struck and somewhat surprised to see yet another wonder the castle held that very few were made aware.

Aurelia was admittedly quite surprised by the sheer number of students that seemed to be willing to join; it had been about a week since everyone who was interested was informed of the whereabouts of the meeting place, and Aurelia was determined to sneak a lesson in before the Christmas break. Students of all houses were there — Regulus Black was standing not far away from the girl, and Rosier, Mulciber, and Avery were there too, watching the scene curiously. On the other side, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes... well a lot of people, were watching excitedly, and Lark Scamander and Sybil Trelawney were sitting criss cross on the ground, craning their necks to glimpse at every minute detail.

And, best and most important of all, Snape wasn't there, so it really was quite a success.

"... Since we're quite unfortunate to have yet another abysmal DADA professor — and, because we need to actually learn how to defend ourselves, most especially in light of all that is going on — I figured it prudent to have lessons that will actually end up being useful."

James shook his head enthusiastically. "Cheers!"

Aurelia gave him an appreciative nod. "Yes, anyways, let's go with the basics and then later start with the hard stuff."

It wasn't long before the DADA meeting turned into a duel. In hindsight, maybe having a ton of Slytherins and Gryffindors in the same room was not the best idea, but, well, no one was dead yet (which, really, is a feat upon itself).

Sirius Black seemed to have the time of his life; on the opposite side of his wand was Remus Lupin, who furtively dodged jinxes being thrown at him whilst simultaneously rolling his eyes.

Regulus Black was on the other side, twirling his wand around at Avery. Aurelia, Sybil, and Lark were merely observing the situation without quite doing anything.

Rosier and Mulciber casually walked up to them. Rosier opened his mouth, but, before he could even get a word out, Mulciber started speaking, "So when are we going to learn about the Dark Arts."

Aurelia scowled. "We're learning Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Ah, yes... learning. Any who, not to alarm you or anything, but I definitely set this one kid's hair on fire."

"Oh, so that's what the smell was," Lark frowned.

"And not to alarm you, but I most definitely predicted that would occur twenty minutes in advance," Sybil quipped.

"Most definitely," Rosier muttered offhandedly.

"Yes," Mulciber coughed. "Anyways, do wizards have fire dehydrants? I kind of saw the... erm— first year? Well, he had a round face, anyways, I saw him like get up and go somewhere...?"

"Fire hydrants," Rosier corrected.

"But dehydrants would make plenty of sense!" Xenophilius yelled some ways away. Rosier and Mulciber exchanged a weird look.

"Agreed!" Came a sing-song voice that could only belong to Pandora.

Regulus crossed his arms. "Aguamenti is a spell, you know."

"How long have you been standing there?" Aurelia asked, surprised by the familiar voice.

"Two minutes," Sybil and Regulus said at the same time.

James, Remus, and Sirius came joining them, while shooting their fingers up at Mulciber. "Wormtail got his hair ablazed by this dimwit!" That was James.

Mulciber pointed his finger at himself, shaking his head innocently. "I would never hurt a worm's tail... wait, they have hair on their tail? Well, now I'm confused..."

Marlene and Lily came joining them a second later, followed by a poor Peter Pettigrew who was very much mumbling some obscenities directed at Mulciber.

"Oh!! The first year," Mulciber twisted his face as he peered at him. "The hair is actually doing wonders for you. The now balding hair takes away from the roundness of your face that would ordinarily make you look like an infant, and—"

"I'm going to kill you," Peter whispered venomously.

"I'm in full support as long as it isn't me," James laughed.

"Here here," Lily grimaced.

"I want to go home," Remus complained.

"Why do you want to go home?" Sirius quizzically questioned.

"Are you on drugs, are you fucking on drugs? Why do I want to go home?"

"Next meeting — potentially last meeting — the day before Christmas break. We'll learn how to cast Patronuses!" Aurelia yelled.

"WOOHOO!" Dorcas Meadowes yelled back, smiling avidly.

"What's a Patronus?" someone asked.

"Nine o'clock! Thank you so much for coming!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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