Disownment and Defeat

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The school year was back in session, much to some students' dismay, while others — namely the Slytherins — were relieved that they no longer had to be in the same vicinity as their egoistical family. Many would never admit their differing views to their family, afraid of being disowned.

One student in particular didn't seem to share these sentiments. 

Aurelia furrowed her brow, quick to notice Sirius' extra rapturous mood.

Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were standing a few feet away, talking idly to one another. 

Remus Lupin, noticing that Aurelia was watching them in slight confusion, signaled her to come join them in whatever they were discussing. 

"Is there any reason why Sirius is grinning like a mad man?" asked Aurelia, after having caught up with them. 

Sirius was leaning against a wall, smirking at Aurelia's befuddled nature. "I got disowned," Sirius said, quite exultant. 

Aurelia blinked a few times, whilst everyone else watched her expectantly, trying to discern her reaction. 

"And you're happy about this, because..." 

"Because, Quill," began Sirius in an exasperated tone, "I no longer have to put up with 'Onion' and 'Wallburger,' as you put it." 

"That doesn't answer where you plan on staying; now that you're disowned and all," Aurelia said, sympathizing the poor boy that could have quite possibly lost his mind. By the way he was acting, she wouldn't be surprised if he was sent to Azkaban by how horribly he was explaining the ordeal of his disownment. If he was ever accused of a crime that he hadn't partaken in, it really wouldn't work in his favor. He was horrible at elucidating things.

"He's staying with me." Aurelia turned her head, noticing James prancing to where they were standing. 

"That's great!" Peter squeaked with a toothy grin. 

"But..." Aurelia was conflicted on how to feel. Of course she was happy that he finally left his abusive household; however, something didn't add up. 

"What about your brother? You invited him to go with, right?"

Instantly, Sirius stilled, his expression turning quite blank. 

James, Peter, and Remus looked between Aurelia's now fiery face, to Sirius' vacuous one.


"What does it matter to you whether I invited him or not?" asked Sirius after a while. "What, do you talk to him — completely neglecting to mention anything to me? Of course he wouldn't want to come with, he's a Slytherin!"

Aurelia scoffed harshly, surveying Sirius with a look of pure disbelief. "What does him being a Slytherin have anything to do with offering to help him abandon his family's ludicrous beliefs?"

"It has everything to do with him being a Slytherin! Slytherins are evil, surely you would realize that by now! There isn't a single Slytherin that hasn't gone bad!"

The other three Marauders exchanged glances with one another in silent agreement, quietly walking away from Sirius and Aurelia's yelling match. 

"You fail to acknowledge that Merlin himself was a Slytherin! You fail to acknowledge that not all Slytherins are inquitous! Surely you would know all about house prejudice, yet here you are, claiming every Slytherin is nothing but pure evil, your brother included!"

"Regulus never saw me as a brother. He wanted nothing to do with me." Sirius looked incredibly defeated, but Aurelia held no remorse.

"I wonder why." 

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