The Uncovered Truth of Clement Livierre

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"He's Head Boy?"

Lily stared at the letter in disbelief — as if willing her eyes to be deceived.

"It can't be that bad," Marlene said, in hopes of lifting her spirits. 

"But— But Remus! Shouldn't he be Head Boy?"

"Perhaps Dumbledore had other ideas," Aurelia said, quirking her brow.

Lily's face turned a deep shade of red. "What do you mean 'other ideas'?"

"You know, quality time. I know how much you secretly love James, how bad can it be?"

"Very bad."

When Aurelia got home after her stay she went straight to her room, grabbing a pen and parchment before writing a letter to James. Her owl gave Aurelia a piercing glare, and if he could talk she was sure he would be saying something along the lines of, 'Where have you been? No note — out of my mind with worry...'

It sounded vaguely familiar.

She opened the window, ushering her owl out, when a loud voice rang through the room.


Aurelia stared at the door, contemplating whether she wanted to drag her legs all the way down the never ending number of stairs.


A note of panic ensued. "WHAT?"


She was still for a moment, before slowly she left her room and began going down the stairs. Her dad was standing by the front door, giving a boy a kind smile; the boy looked somewhat confused. The creaking of the stairs alerted them both. "Aurelia, there you are!"

Dread consumed Aurelia as she looked between her dad — who was beaming widely in his Muggle attire — and Regulus — who seemed completely baffled as he regarded the place. 

She was at a loss of words for a minute; the silence was so suffocating her dad looked very much uncomfortable. Grimacing, he left the two together.

"Your— your dad's a Muggle? But I thought—"

"How did you get here?" Although she didn't look mad by any means, her words were so harsh that it took Regulus temporarily by surprise.

"How did I get here? It's simple really... I walked."

"No," started Aurelia, "how did you know where to go?"

Regulus rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders."

A beat of silence. 


"You know... What's her name? Lark is it? That Scamander girl from Care of Magical Creatures."

"How did she know where to go?"

"One must never question a Hufflepuff," Regulus warned. "Trust me, I did, and I payed the price."

"So what are you doing here?"

"The amusement park," said Regulus. "You said you wanted to go." He suddenly paused, as if finally understanding the situation. "Your dad, wait— so he is a Muggle? But I thought—"

"I never told you — or anyone for that matter — in case something were to happen. Imagine if a Death Eater showed up to your house." 

Regulus coughed. Aurelia ignored it. "I suppose I'm going to have to obliviate you now."

"Maybe don't wipe all of my memories," Regulus suggested innocently as he took a tentative step back. "The memory charm isn't exactly safe for a sixteen year old to use."

"I did it to Snape," Aurelia said, shrugging. "I can do it to you too."

"I don't exactly feel like such a decision would be wise on your behalf." He proceeded to chuckle nervously. "You know, maybe I should just go now..."

Before Aurelia could act, Regulus began running at full speed.

"Where are you going?!"

Disregarding the fact that she only had socks on, Aurelia began chasing after him. Trying her best to breath steadily, her feet pounded the ground, the warm humidity causing her to break into a sweat as she tried to keep pace with the distant figure ahead of her. Her golden hair whipped back and forth as the distance between the two shortened until suddenly she stopped, her burning lungs gasping for air.

"Are you done?" asked Regulus in an amused tone as he regarded Aurelia's disheveled clothes.

Aurelia's eyes snapped over to him. "Don't tell anyone," she warned in a low voice.

Regulus let out a small laugh. "That he's a Muggle? I must admit, I'm pretty surprised that no one has found out yet. You told your group of friends, I suppose?"

The silence was a good enough answer for Regulus. He scoffed a bit, his smile turning into a frown, his eyes darkening in the daylight — very much in contrast to Aurelia's bright green shimmering ones. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I don't want him to get hurt," Aurelia said quietly. "I don't want—"

"For him to die — no, let me guess — killed. You're worried about Death Eaters showing up. I understand that it's hard to gain one's trust, but—"

"Not everything is about you," Aurelia snapped. "I trust you—"

Regulus snorted.

"—I do! But sometimes word can get out involuntarily, and it's best to be safe in any case scenario. He's the only parent I have left. What else would I have to lose?"

"Many things," Regulus muttered. "You live a fairly privileged life compared to most."

"Like you're one to talk, you have pretty much everything you could possibly want!"

"You know nothing about me," Regulus said in a strained voice. "So stop acting like you do."

"Stop trying to be so misunderstood when clearly you're not; you're acting like a whiny teenager. Is caring about your family really that bad? Sorry that Sirius wasn't there for you all the time, but—"

"Don't bring Sirius up!"

"He told you that you could come with him, it's your fault that you decided not to!"

"Clearly this isn't working out," Regulus said. "Whatever we had just isn't working."

"I—" Aurelia stared at him, searching him to know whether he was serious or not. 

"Your dad's a Muggle, and that's a big enough reason as it is," continued Regulus. "You could be muggleborn for all I know." He spat the word as if it was the most disgusting thing he had uttered.

"Are you on your period?" questioned Aurelia. "You're having some very intense mood swings."

"No, should I be?" Regulus retorted. "Is that normal?"

"I mean...maybe?"

"Well then yes!"

Aurelia didn't know whether she should laugh; she did find it somewhat amusing though.

"I guess this is a goodbye," Regulus said mournfully, his eyes welling with fake, glistening tears. 

Aurelia was completely and utterly confused. "Bye... I guess?"

"See you never."


"I'll be leaving now."

"Go ahead."



And with those last words of farewell Regulus headed off, Aurelia staring blankly after him.

She had no idea what had just happened.

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