Alas, earwax

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Aurelia's O.W.L. year was soon about to begin. She was in a compartment by herself, a novel open on her lap whilst she looked outside the window — feeling euphoric for the school year to start. A sudden noise interrupted the silence, where a boy with perfectly curled hair and icy blue eyes entered, along with three other people that Aurelia could identify as Avery, Mulciber, and Rosier.

Aurelia gave Regulus a quizzical look as all four of them sat across from her, which he responded by giving her a small smile — which only led her more confused. His head motioned to the book on her lap, sending her a questioning frown. 

"It's Alice in Wonderland," Aurelia said quietly, holding the book out for him to read the title.

Rosier seemed interested in it as well. He took the novel out of her hand, flipping through the pages. "I don't recognize it," he mumbled. "Who is Lewis Carroll?"

"A lesser known author," Aurelia said swiftly. "It's a wizard book, obviously."

Avery snorted. "I thought you were a blood traitor; you seem to hang out with them, at least."

Regulus shot Avery a dark look. "I'm sure she hangs out with them out of pity."

"Whatever you say," grumbled Mulciber. "Personally I couldn't care less at the moment. I'm hungry."

Avery and Rosier nodded in agreement. Regulus sighed, "How about you all go check up front to see when the trolley lady is coming."

When they all left, Regulus grimaced slightly. "Sorry about that, they can be quite... annoying, for lack of a better word."

Aurelia's lip turned upward. "They seem all right."

Regulus tilted his head, musing her words. "That's what they all say, until they actually know them and see how irritating they all are."

Aurelia observed him slightly, trying to distinguish any visible signs that he was joking. Regulus seemed to notice this, as he raised an eyebrow at her, before his eyes travelled to the bracelet on her wrist. "What's that?" he questioned, indicating the piece of jewelry. 

Aurelia looked down, only to see her charm bracelet that Sirius had given her. "These are charms," she said, indicating each one. "Each of them is suppose to signify something, or someone important."

Regulus nodded in understanding. "I like the feather."

Aurelia felt her cheeks heat up a bit, so she quietly muttered, "Thank you," while trying to hide her face from view. Regulus grinned, eyeing her in an entertained fashion as she not so subtly hid behind her novel in embarrassment. 

Their moment was short, however, because soon after Rosier, Mulciber, and Avery came back with loads of sweets — including chocolate frogs. "Help yourselves," they all exclaimed at once. 

Against her better judgement, Aurelia immediately made her way to the chocolate frog pile — unwrapping as many as she possibly could in under thirty seconds.

"This was a bad idea," Regulus scolded his friends. "Look what she is doing now." 

Avery shrugged. "Do you want a Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean?"

"I suppose there's no harm in trying." Immediately Regulus spat it out. "Gross."

Rosier took one as well, swallowed it, and made a loud gagging noise. "Yuck, vomit."

"How ironic would it be if you vomited over a vomit flavor bean?" Aurelia snickered, before she too took one. "There are more than just bad ones, right?"

Regulus nodded. "You have an equal amount of chance of getting a good one as you're getting one that's bad."

Aurelia popped the bean inside her mouth, while all four others were on the edges or their seats trying to make out her expression. She let out a laugh, "Chocolate, of course."

"Ten sickles say I get chocolate on my next one," Regulus said, grinning. 

"Deal," Mulciber answered immediately.

Regulus looked through the box, trying to find one that didn't seem sketchy. He ate it, instantly grimacing. "Rotten egg."

"That's rotten luck if I've ever seen it," Aurelia said, trying not to sound too proud. "It seems like the universe is just on my side."

"Oh yeah? How about you try again," Regulus challenged.

"Okay," Aurelia simply replied. She took one last one, trying to keep her facial features neutral. She chewed it, before facing everyone, a solemn look overtaken her. "Alas, earwax."

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