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My eyes flickered open once again, except this time I wasn't in a cell, but a small bedroom.
Ooooh, upgrade.
Looks like being the boss's soulmate comes with it's perks.

I got up and looked around, there was a window, not barred this time. The view was great, just opposite the woods, I was at least three stories above ground, I'm guessing he put me in here on purpose, to keep me from doing the old tuck n roll.

I heard a knock on my door and then it opened, aren't I meant to say come in? A small petite lady entered the room.

"Hi?" I spoke hesitantly.
"Hello dear, my name is Valentina. I'm one of the house keepers here" She smiled, her voice was calm and monotone.
"Hi, I'm Celia, one of the prisoners here" I joked, what? I'm being honest.
She chuckled at my reply, at least someone here has a sense of humour.
"You're the mate to an Alpha of one of the most powerful packs. You really think he'd let you leave just like that?" She replied raising a brow, the lady does have a point.
"Our doctors patched your head and arm up, thankfully you don't have any serious injuries"
Injuries are the least of my problems right now.

"The Alpha has requested to meet with you tonight, for dinner. There's clothes in the closet." She gestured towards the huge wooden cabinet in the corner of the room.
I mumbled a thanks, and before exiting the room she turned around "And darling, I'd recommend you don't try anything "funny" their's security in every corner of this place" She advised before leaving.
People underestimate me, but on the other hand, maybe I could be here a little longer, living a life of luxury for a couple days could be nice.
I haven't had a meal in a while, when my stomach growled confirming my thoughts I decided bearing a few days here wouldn't hurt.
I sighed as I stumbled to my feet and stalked towards the huge closet and rummaged through it. It had nothing but tons of dresses in way to many colours for my liking, so I went for the plainest. It was long and white, a few frills, not to much, but I didn't have much of a choice really.
Oh Celia, what have you gotten yourself into again?
My mind wandered to my supposed "mate" his name was Kai...I think. You'd think an Alpha would have a more creative name, guess not.
My whole body felt some kind of way every time I thought of him, this wasn't deliberate. Why couldn't I have just been born a human? They have a choice, wolves are bound by the moon goddess, destined to love whoever she picks for us, no matter who they are we'll like them anyway. What a stupid concept, heard of free will anybody?!
He's probably some arrogant jerk of an Alpha, like they all are and thinks all because of some title he has the right to make everyone do as he pleases. Well I for one bow down to no one.

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