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Celia's POV
"Is their something you needed?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest which was only covered by a sheer bra.
"Oh...yeh" he scratched the back of his head trying to figure out what he was going to say.
"I want you to stay" he spoke.
"And I have expressed many times how I'm not staying" I rolled my eyes pulling the clothes I had found over my head.

"Okay, let me rephrase. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you" he scoffed, oh wow, so that's how it's going to be.
"You're telling me? Haha, very funny but I am not one of your little pack members that just follow your every word. You can't make me stay" I chuckled, this is unbelievable, he is unbelievable!
"Look it is bad enough that you're some rogue who obviously can't do what she's told but I also don't need you to embarrass me by leaving" he growled slamming his fist through the wall.
"You know nothing about me" I hissed angrily.
"Well what I do know is that you're disobedient, and have no honour for yourself or you're pack who you left with no thought whatsoever. You're an embarrassment, but I have no choice but to keep you around for the sake of my reputaion" he shouted back, he truly knows nothing, nobody does. They all think I'm a worthless piece of scum who left her pack because she didn't like the rules...but it was more than that, much more.

I sighed in defeat, knowing I wouldn't be able to get out of this.
"Fine" I surrendered. His eyes widened for a moment in surprise, I guess he wasnt expecting me to give up so easily.
"But their's a catch" I remarked.
"And what's that?" He groaned annoyed.
"I need money, and lots of it. I want $3000 dollars in cash every week. If you refuse I'll leave wether you like it or not, or I'll just do something bad and become an even worse 'embarrassment', you got that?" I grinned wickedly, this was a pretty good deal to be fair, I sit still look pretty and in return I get a butt load of cash.

He thought for a second narrowing his eyes at me, I could tell he was weighing his options and to be honest from my perspective, he didn't have much of a choice.
"And what if I just reject you instead" he grimaced.
"Go ahead darling, but that wouldn't look good for you, once people find out you rejected your 'soulmate' they may think twice about wether you're the right leader for them" I smiled, he really thinks he can hurt me? He's going to have a lot to learn then.
"Fine, you win. $3000 in cash delivered to your door each week" He grumbled in defeat and left the room slamming the door behind him.
Good riddance.
I checked the large clock on the wall, 9:00pm
I don't know about anyone else, but I am so tired I'm ready to pass out. For the first time in a while I had a roof over my head and a bed, and the moment my head collided with that pillow, I was out like a light.

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