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We returned to the living room, with smiles on our faces, and people seemed to notice.

"The dream team finally made up" Frankie laughed, he really is oblivious to any and all situations.

"Now all you gotta do is convince little miss angry pants over there to forgive you" he blubbered pointing to Lilliana as she chucked food into her mouth aggressively.

Yeah that is going to be difficult especially with a girl as stubborn as her.
I noticed Alex sitting awkwardly on the cushioned couches with his hood casting a dark shadow on his face hiding him from everyone else.

I walked up  and sunk into the seat beside him.
"You should talk to Katerina" I remarked awkwardly.
"Nice 'sisterly' advice" he scoffed sarcastically.
"I'm being serious"
"Why should I? I barely know her" he rolled his eyes.
"Don't lie to yourself Alex. Even though you've only seen her for a moment you already love her, it's how the moon goddess made us to be" I sighed, "You can't run from your destiny, believe me"
"And why should I believe you? Maybe you'll light this house on fire to, once your fed up with them" he frowned looking down at the floor.

You make a mistake one time...jeez.
"What would someone like her even want with me?"
He grumbled.
"Well she doesn't really have a choice" I giggled, what? It's true. Your bound to love whoever you're stuck with, I can confirm that from personal experience.

"Just go talk to her, she's probably somewhere upstairs" I pressured, and thank god he listened because after a moment of deep thought he stood up and left in the direction of the stair case.
I still cannot process the fact that the women who is my mate's ex wife is now my baby brothers mate and most probably soon to be wife and baby mama.
Funny how life takes a turn.

"Ahem" I fake coughed, Lilliana turned to face me.
"A peace offering?" I smiled awkwardly as I stretched out my arm with a large tub of Ben and Jerrys chocolate fudge in my grip.
She narrowed her eyes at me, her sight switching between me and the ice cream consecutively.
She finally gave in and snatched it out of my hand.
"Peace offering accepted. What do you want?" She scoffed.
"I'm sorry, please, please will you be my friend again?" I whimpered with my hands in a prayer stance.
"Why should I? This whole time you've been lying to me, I thought we were best friends" she snarled.
"We are! And I'm sorry, I humbly ask for your forgiveness your majesty" I joked.
"Hm...fine, your lucky I don't really have any other friends. And you're not eating any of my ice cream! Also I want one of these tubs handed to me every night" she demanded.

"Deal" I smiled ringing my arm around her neck and side hugging her.
"Missed you" she mumbled.
"Me too" I sighed.
"Also what am I meant to call you exactly? By the way your brothers totally hot" she giggled.
"It's just Celia, I'm still the same girl you know and love. And secondly ew, also he is taken, the dear moon goddess decided to gift him to our dear Katerina" I laughed and after she processed my words she joined me.
"Isn't he like 16?!" She choked.
"Just turned 18" I bellowed, tears of laughter gushing from my eyes.
"Jeez she really can't catch a break"
"Tell me about it" I spoke.
And then we both broke into laughter again.

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