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A couple minutes had gone by and we spoke for a while about the situation.
"I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to Celia. If you really don't want this, we can sort it out" he spoke as he put his hand on mine, he was trying to be supportive but I could see the sadness behind his eyes.

"Give me some time, to think" I spoke and he nodded and left the room.
God damn it.
Things were finally getting better, my life was finally clicking back into place and now this.
I mean considering how my mother treated me I doubt I'd do any better.
I'm a kid having a kid, no wonder the older generation hates us, we're all just a bunch of stupid teenagers teaching others how to be just as stupid as us.
I exited my room and headed to Lilliana's I need a drink.
"Lilliana!" I hollered as I walked through the hallway, why does this house have to be so goddamn big?
"Where are you?!" I yelled which echoed throughout the house.
"Keep your panties on, I'm coming" she exclaimed back.
A couple moments went by and she came shuffling towards me with two bottles grasped in her hands and glasses ridged in between her thighs which I managed to snatch before they plummeted towards the ground.

"How did you know?" I chuckled gesturing towards the bottles.
"A best friend always knows" she answered and began leading me up the stairs, further into the house than I've ever gone.
I don't like stairs.

Once we were at what I thought was the top floor she gestured towards a trap door on the ceiling, which I'm guessing leads to an attic. I helped her pull it down and we clumsily climbed up the wobbly ladder.

It was definitely not what I was expecting, a great big window covered the largest wall right in the middle, and a dim yellow light cast over half of the room hiding the crinkled brown leather sofa lodged in the corner of the cramped room.
"Why have you never showed me this?" I asked in wonderment.
"Well, this is were I come when I need to deal with issues...alone. But, I think you need this place more than me, your life sucks pretty hard right now" she giggled at the end and I elbowed her in return.
I mean actually she isn't wrong.
"Well then, pour me a drink woman" I demanded pointed towards the bottles still firmly in her clutch.
"One pure gin for me" she poured out the pink liquid into one of the glasses.
"And fancy apple juice for the pregnant lady" she smiled.
"Pardon? Apple juice?!" I groaned.
"No, it's fancy apple juice" she emphasised the 'fancy'
"Look if you wanna get rid of the baby you just gotta let the pack clinic know, we're all pro-choice here, but until then you're going to stay sober" she grinned shoving the glass in my hand.

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