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Celia's POV
Everything was a blur, my head was pounding, I felt heavy like I had hundreds of weights holding me down.
I forced the lids of my eyes open as much as I wanted to keep them shut. I analysed where I was, the room was small, and the bed was uncomfortable. Deja vu hit me like a brick, this felt all too familiar. I wiggled my fingers and toes but I still couldn't find the strength to move any of my limbs, what the hell did they give me!?

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice spoke from the doorway "Don't worry, you'll be up and about soon. We gave you a mild paralytic, it should wear off in an hour or two" we? he strode closer towards me. He was tall and thin, sickly thin. His tattered boots clicked on the wooden floorboards as he came my way. He's a rogue I can tell from the stench.

"Where the hell am I?" The words barely made it out of my mouth, moving my jaw felt like a chore.
He speaks once more "I think the question you should be asking is why" He sinks into the chair in the corner of the room.
"Why?" I groan, I'm waiting desperately for my joints to come back into motion again.
"Me and your little brother Alex. We made a deal once upon a time." my eyes widen at his name, what the hell did he get himself into.
"He needed money...a lot of it. And since I am a generous man and he was somewhat of a protégé to me, I agreed to give him what he wanted as long as I was payed back" he smiled menacingly revealing his yellow crooked teeth, a look of disgust washed over me, which he must have noticed as his smile quickly disappeared. "And to make sure he stuck out his end of the deal, I needed collateral. It had to be something valuable, something I wanted desperately." he smirks, I can tell where this is going.
He continues, "If he failed to pay me back within two years, then I was to take his collateral all for myself" his grin is wild reaching from one ear to another, he pushes himself off the seat and makes his way to me crouching down. With his face inches away from mine he says "Fortunately for me he failed. And now Andorra, you are all mine."
That name, it echoed through my head. The way it rolled off his tongue disgusted me, something about the way he said it, it was like he owned me...though I guess in a sick and twisted way he does.

"My name is Celia" I growl, Andorra is long gone. I can't believe Alex did this, I didn't think he hated me enough to practically sell me.
"If that's what you wish for me to call you then I will" he smiles innocently. "I wish for you to let me go" I huff, I know I should be more panicked but I can't help but feel like this is just another day in the life, I knew my life wouldn't stay perfect for long.

"Now that is the one thing I cannot do for you. I've waited two years, watching you and wondering when you'd become mine. And now I finally have you. My darling Celia." He places a kiss on my forehead, I cringe at the feeling of his dry cold lips on my skin.
"You're crazy. I don't belong to you, you freak" I growl shuffling away from him.
"Once you know how good it feels to have me inside you, you'll change your mind." His face is dead still, it scares me, makes me shiver right through to my very core.
Alex you fucker. What did you get me into.

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