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Once again my dear friend decided to fall asleep on my SINGLE bed, with all her limbs spread out, not even leaving an ounce of space for me.

Note to self, next movie night will be held in the living room!
I grabbed one of my pillows and some flimsy blanket from the cupboard and left the room.
Another night on the uncomfortable leather couch for me.

As I was walking towards the staircase I couldn't help but let my eye be caught by an open was his room, I forgot he's still in the neighbouring bedroom to mine.

I don't know what came over me, but something pushed me to enter the room.
I placed my pillow and blanket on the floor and plopped down.
Ugh, this is so uncomfortable, I might as well sleep on that rotten couch, better than the hard floor.
"You do know I'm awake right?" He spoke out of nowhere making me yelp.
"Urm...oh is this your room? Oops, I thought this was the living room" I sprinted up and grabbed my things.
"Well, I didn't get a king sized bed for no reason" he croaked as he shuffled over to the other side gesturing for me to lie on the place besides him.
I didn't hesitate or interject, I was too tired.
I dropped myself onto the place, "wow, you're bed is so much more comfortable than the couch" I let out a sigh of relief.
"The couch?" He questioned.
"Yeh, Lilliana keeps falling asleep on my bed, so I just sleep in the living room" I replied.
"Oh so those were your bras that Leo kept finding between the seat cushions" he chuckled.
"So that's were those went, I was wondering why I kept coming short" I laughed, "Make sure he returns them, it's all I have" I mumbled, being a rogue you don't get to stay in one place very often, meaning the chances of getting a job are zilch, meaning no shopping sprees for me.

"Well then remind me to get you a new bed, and to take you shopping" he spoke.
"Or I could just go with Lilliana" I suggested, the underwear section would be way less awkward with her instead.
"Sure" he replied, shuffling a bit in his spot.
"I'm sorry again, about before" I breathed.
"You mean the argument or when you tried to kill me?" He retorted, I could sense his eyes were narrowed.

"The argument. I definitely don't regret almost killing you" I grinned, he laughed at my response.
"How did I get stuck with someone like you" he smirked.
"I don't know" I trailed off as I moved closer to him placing a soft kiss on his lips. Sparks flew up my spine, and my legs shuddered, it's been so long since we touched one another, I forgot how good it felt.
"Why did you leave your pack?" He questioned, our faces only inches from each other. I guess he deserves to know a little bit of the story.

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