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"Do it, like I fucking care. I'm a rogue with no pack, no home and nobody to live for. So go ahead and kill me, maybe the world would be better off. Maybe you and your little girlfriend can continue you're little relationship with no obstacle-

I was cut off by him slamming his lips onto mine. A spark jolted through my spine, I didn't resist. His hands trailed down to my waist pulling me towards him, his sweet scent filling my nostrils. Truthfully I didn't know what was going on, I hated this guy, he's only brought more trouble into my life and he seems like a terrible person and an even worse why do I want him so badly? No matter how hard I try I can't fight the urge, no matter how much I want to dislike him and tell him to get the hell off me, I can't.

"Because he is our mate! No matter what happens we will always love him" My wolf chirped, I bet she's pretty happy about our little situation..
After what seemed like forever we pulled away gasping for air. I had no words...I was completely speechless. My stomach was twisting and turning and my heart was going a hundred beats per minute. The only thing on my mind was that I wanted to do that again, and again...and again. I just wanted to feel his hands on my bod-

"Look who's caving" my wolf snickered happily. No! I won't give in...I cant.
"Told you that you wouldn't be able to resist me" He grinned victoriously.
"Dick head" I clenched my jaw in anger and stomped away, of course he goes and ruins everything! Actually I should be glad, it's a reminder that I should never ever even consider being with him. He is rude, arrogant and inconsiderate. You know it actually sort of hurts that he only kissed me to prove a point. As much as I don't want to care, I do. The fact that he used me to prove something really crushes me.

Kai's POV
As I pulled her closer to me I could smell the lingering scent of her body, my hands trailed down her slim and fragile waist. She definitely isn't my usual type, but god damn I want her so badly.
I was angry at her, she takes pleasure in irritating me and has no respect for authority, but I couldn't resist her anymore. I crashed my lips onto hers, intertwining my tongue with hers. It's bizarre how attracted I am to her, it's not the way I've ever liked another girl.

She manages to enrage me like nobody else can and yet I still want to be around her, she's intoxicating. Everything is even more unusual considering we barely know each other, I had some of the pack members dig around for some details on her but theirs nothing. According to the world, Celia Armoux doesn't exist.
Obviously I had to go and open my big mouth and frustrate her, I don't know why I do that.
"Because you're an asshole" my wolf rolled his eyes.
She doesn't like us, if I told her how I actually feel she'll laugh in my face.
"Yeah, and you're sensitive little ego might get bruised" my wolf mocked. Okay okay, that's enough.

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