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"Okay and go!" Frankie bellowed. And they begun kicking and punching at each other, it was Lilliana against Leo.
"Go Lilliana!" I cheered excitedly. We were all gathered in the field behind the house. I thought training meant running on a treadmill or lifting some weights, but no...apparently it means ripping each other to shreds.

She swung at him but he ducked, he managed to catch her off guard and kick her off her feet.
I was cheering loudly, demanding she get back up and kick his ass, you can do it Lil!

She didn't disappoint, not even a second later was she propped up on her feet again throwing punches and kicks.
She boxed him in the face and knocked him over, head locking him.
"1, 2...and 3! Ladies and gents we have our winner" Frankie announced as Lilliana squealed at her victory.
"Now let's give the champion a break. How about we have my older sister Kat and...Celia!" He grinned wickedly, oh Frankie you little shit. I already knew that girl was going to beat me to a pulp.

"You sure you're ready?" Kai muttered, the doctor cleared me days ago, I'm sure I'll be fine.
I nodded reassuring him that I'm all good and then I headed to the fight zone with Katerina.
She stared me down grimacing, she's been waiting for this day. She didn't waste any time before racing towards me with a right hook ready to go.

I ducked it but I'm definitely off my game today, I threw a punch but she was too fast.
She ran up behind me kneeing me in the shins making me collapse onto the ground, I got back up quickly and charged at her, I swung a kick at her stomach forcing her to plunge onto her knees, rage was painted all over her face.
She punctured my face with her fist, over...and over again until I was pinned onto the ground.
I could feel the hot blood seeping from my nose.

Suddenly the force against my body AKA Katerina's fists came to a stop.
I peeled my eyes open to see Kai pulling her off of me, his back was towards me, I managed to drag myself up clasping my hands onto his shoulder tearing him off Katerina and shoving him to the floor head locking him with my thighs, he pounded his fists on my legs gasping for air but I didn't let go.

"Shouldn't we do something? She could kill him" Leo mumbled, "Nah, I'm sure he'll be fine..." Frankie replied, his tone unsure.
Kai's face became discoloured, a shade between purple and blue, his eyes fluttering, the oxygen to his head was slowing down.
"I don't need your help" I growled through gritted teeth before releasing my legs and walking away, I could hear his heavy coughs from the distance, that'll teach him a lesson.

Despite what he may think, I am not some fragile doll, I am strong even if I was being completely destroyed by Katerina.

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