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The odour of tobacco still lingered in my nostrils, weakening my senses.
Thank god I had Frankie here, leading the way to my "mate"
He had a frown plastered on his face, looks like he didn't get what he was hoping for. I mean don't get me wrong, he's a good looking fella, but I know someone like Kai would probably tear anyone who touched me limb from limb, so I decided to do the nice thing and spare him.

After what seemed like forever he showed me to the main living room.
I could spot Lilliana with a lady cuddling in the corner of the L shaped couch and Kai and his "wife" Katerina sitting on the opposite side, her head resting on his chest, this made my blood boil, it was surprisingly difficult to contain myself.
"Why is SHE touching our mate" my wolf growled viciously-

"Calm yourself little one" Frankie whispered in my ear, he must've noticed the scowl on my face. I kept repeating in my head that 'I don't care' and I 'Shouldn't let it bother me, because I don't know him' but a part of me still hurt, and it was so damn annoying because theirs no logical explanation to any of this, it's all magic bullshit.

I took a moment to gather myself and I entered the room with a fake smile on my face. Everyone's eyes subtly trailed over to me, looking me up and down. Some peoples face broke in looks of disgust, and others didn't care enough about my presence to give it a second thought.
I noticed Kai hadn't looked at me, he was distracted with Katerina.
"WHY ISN'T HE PAYING ATTENTION TO US?!" My wolf screeched, her sound echoed through my head making me flinch.
Calm down you crazy bitch, he doesn't have to look at us, I rolled my eyes in annoyance, excuse her, she's still a hormonal teenager.
I spotted Lilliana, and she smiled at me patting the seat besides her gesturing for me to come sit.

Happily I walked over and slumped into the leather sofa.
"Celia, how'd you sleep?" She asked, her arms entwined with the girl I assumed was her 'girlfriend'.
"As well as I could...considering" I spoke awkwardly.
"Well, considering you're a rogue, you should be grateful to even be alive" the girl grumbled rolling her eyes.
"Reign!" Lilliana scolded, and shot her a death glare.
"Excuse Reign, she forgets her manners sometimes" Lilliana chuckled uncomfortably trying to smooth over what just happened.
I mean she isn't wrong, these days one wrong step as a rogue and you could get yourself killed, and hunting on a packs territory is as bad as it gets.
"It's fine." I fiddled with my hands trying to think of something to say to break the silence.
"Well, let's break the ice with some greetings. Celia this is Reign my girlfriend, and Reign this is Celia, my new friend" Lilliana smiled as she desperately tried to introduce us to one another.

As I got a closer look at Reign I could notice how much of a beauty she was even more, a feeling of self doubt rushed over me, being surrounded by so many gorgeous women definitely makes me self conscious.
"No wonder Kai doesn't want us, we are ugly!" My wolf cried out dramatically.
Okay drama queen, I wouldn't say we are ugly.

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