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I drifted lazily through the hallways, wondering what to do, I am not about to become some cliche Wattpad bitch. Should I even keep it?

I'm not even 20 yet, how the hell am I meant to raise a kid? So many thoughts running through my head at once that I didn't even notice Lilliana right in front of me.
"Celia..?" She raised a brow curiously.
"Oh urm...sorry, did you say something?" I stumbled over my words nervously.
"Whats wrong?"
"What do you mean" I trailed off.
"I see straight through you, something's wrong, now cough it up. Do you have an STD? Because if you do I definitely won't judge you...much" she giggled at the end.

"Well It is sexually transmitted" I squeaked.
"Oh my god-
"You're not? Are you?" Her eyes widened as she waited for my answer.
"Oh my god, you are" she gasped before I could even get a word in, she really does see straight through me.
"Yeh..." I nodded.
"Oh my god you're dying of AIDS?!" She whimpered.
"What?! No you idiot!" I exclaimed, okay looks like we weren't on the same page.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper yelled.
Her face morphed into an even bolder look of surprise and shock than before, "You're PREGNANT!" She screamed.
"Shush, I don't want the whole of America finding out" I face palmed.
"Oh my god I'm going to be a god mother, so EXCITING. Maybe it'll be like twilight where I mate with your baby, and then I protect it until it's of legal age then we fall in love and live happily ever after" she babbled.

"Okay that sounded just slightly paedophilic, so I'm going to forget you said that" I sighed, Jesus christ, can you imagine?
"What? I said I'd wait until it was of legal age. No funny business here" she shrugged smiling awkwardly.

"Okay can we move on from that topic and to the fact that their is a wolf- child baby thing inside of me" I faltered at my own words, it was all finally sinking in.
"I mean is this such a bad thing?"
"I'm 19!" I raged.
"Well it's not like you had some huge plans for your future. To be honest this is probably the most interesting thing that'll happen to you for a while. So I say, enjoy it." She chuckled jokingly.
"Enjoy it!? This is a baby we're talking about. That I have to raise!" I rubbed my head in stress.
"Look on the bright side. You can be the mother you never had, and all that fairy tale crap" she laughed.
"Jeez when did you get so mean?" I mocked, a whole ass personality change going on here.
"Sorry, I met someone, she's great but a bit of a bitch sometimes. Looks like it's rubbing off on me" she replied.

"Aw you met someone? How lovely, how about we talk about it after I sort out the fact that I am PREGNANT" I exploded, a bit louder than I expected.
"You're what?" A familiar voice stuttered from behind me.
"Shit" I grumbled, well I was going to have to tell him sooner or later.

"I should leave now..." Lilliana chuckled as she sped off.
"Is it true?" Kai muttered as I turned to face him.
"Yeh, I got a letter from the doctor, they must've found out when they took blood or something" I sighed.
"What the hell are we meant to do?" I groaned, I can't really keep it could I?
"I'm going to be a dad?" He mumbled to himself and a smile slowly grew on his face.
"I'm going to be a dad!" He screeched as he picked me up and twirled me around. Ah shit, he did the whole

'I'm gonna be a dad' thing, 'oh my life is complete now that I have offspring'

ugh not like I can say anything now, I'm not about to be 'Celia the crusher of dreams' I'm already the bitch who committed arson, I don't need more guilt.

Things just keep getting better don't they.
Note the sarcasm.

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