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A/N: Hi guys, it's been 3years, crazy. I hope you enjoyed the story, its been a WHILE since I wrote anything on Wattpad, but I thought for old times sake I'd write a cute little chapter, just to give you guys a little closure, 15year old me was kinda ruthless with that ending 🤣🤣 so enjoy 1700 words :)

Celia strolled through Oakmont forest, over the years she moved towards the north, where the summers were chilly and the winters were chillier. She had begun a new life for herself, one away from all the conflict, and away from a life that could have been but never was and never would be. Her family and her mate were now just faded memories lingering in the back of her mind. She had gotten a job at the local diner, and had saved up enough to buy a small cottage for herself in the woods, encompassed by lush and towering trees, secluded and tranquil. At night she sat by her fire place reading her books watching the glittering snow trickle down onto the earth. Over the years she had experienced a level of peace that she did not know existed. She had little friends and spent most of her time alone unless she was at work, but she liked it that way, Celia had had enough of people for a lifetime, she enjoyed the isolation. For once in her life, she was truly happy. But there was still one thing missing from Celia's life, as much as she didn't like to admit it, the ghost of the man she once loved had not stopped following her through the years. No potion, and no magic was strong enough to strip her of that kind of love. Sometimes she'd dream of him; his charming smile, the way his eyes wrinkled when he laughed, or how they narrowed mischievously when they'd lock gazes. But what she missed most of all was having someone to love, someone who truly saw her, all of her, inside and out without any judgment. When her mind would wander, she'd reminisce on the times they spent splayed out on the grass behind the manor, limbs tangled with one another as they looked up at the stars. "You know, their isn't enough stars in the entire universe that count for how much I love you" he'd whisper. It was times like these that made all the pain and fighting worth it, none of it meant anything when it was just them and the stars.
Celia made her way towards the main road, leaves crunching beneath her boots. Neon letters shone in the near distance, "Jimmys" they read. It was time for her shift, 6pm Monday-Friday, serving burgers and fries to townies, and sometimes a passer by with an interesting story.
She pushed through the double doors of the diner, giving a wave and a quick hi to some of the regulars, as she made her way through to the staff room. Pinning her hair into a bun and tying the red and blue apron around her waist, she felt a sense of familiarity, with years of routine and repetition ingrained in her it was hard to feel anything but familiarity. This was her life now. Waitress, fire place, books, snow and repeat. It was certainly a pleasant lifestyle, knowing there was no unexpectedness, no danger, no twists around the corner, knowing everyday what's going to come next. And most times Celia appreciated that, but on the odd occasion, sometimes just sometimes she wished for some excitement, she wished she could go back in time to when she was young and unafraid, back to the times when she would disrespect an Alpha without a second thought or be on the run, wild and free. Doing what she wanted when she wanted. But everything comes to an end. This was her life now, mundane and isolated. And that was that.
"What are ya waiting for?" the rumbling voice of her manager snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Oh sorry Jim" her cheeks tinged red. "No worries, we all get lost in the moment sometimes. I just hope it wasn't anything sexy, because that's not appropriate for work- anyhow, theirs a handsome gentleman asking for you. If he's just a friend, be sure to throw him my way, if you catch my flow, hah- anyway get back to work" he stammered before rushing out and back into the kitchens.
A gentleman? Handsome? Who could it be Celia thought to herself. Her heartbeat quickened with anxiety and uncertainty, here she was wishing for spontaneity when she couldn't even handle speaking to a random man. Before she could sike herself out anymore she pushed through the staff room door and stepped out into the dining room.
"Over there love" her co worker Janice winked, pointing towards the corner of the diner, following her direction, Celia spotted the back of a head, his face hidden. It couldn't be? No, that's crazy, not after all these years she thought. Slowly she trod towards the corner table where the mysterious man sat. She fumbled closer until she stood, gazing down at the table, a lump had formed in her throat and the hairs on her flesh had risen. The mans neck craned towards her, and suddenly her heart dropped. "H-i, you asked for m-me?" She cleared her throat.
"Hey pretty lady, don't you remember me? From the other week? I'm Tallon, the one who accidentally spilled his drink on you?" He chuckled.
"Ah yes. Nice to see you again. What can I get you today?" she spoke, her teeth gritted, how could she be so stupid, to think it was going to be Kai.
"A chocolate milkshake with a side of your number?" The stranger smiled, putting his bleached white teeth on show.
"Sure" Celia mumbled retreating away from the table. She told herself to take a breath, to keep it together, it had been a very long time and she didn't know why she hoped for something so stupid. Her life was wonderful, she was happy, right?


Later that night Celia strode back into the woods towards her home. Her head down, eyes on the ground coated in snow, "stupid stupid woman, so hard you tried to forget all these years, and you are still yet to succeed, its not that hard Celia!" she scolded herself.

"You didn't think it was going to be that easy love did you?" The familiar voice echoed through her head, stopping her in her tracks, her eyes still glued to the ground, "great, now I'm hallucinating" she mumbled. Slowly her gaze rose, she expected silence, she expected everything to be just as it was, her little house and the tall trees and the snow. But this time something was different, something had broken the cycle of repetition and routine, or more specifically...someone.

"Kai?" Her whisper was low and shaky, she couldn't believe the person stood by her porch. "Celia" he smiled, wrinkles forming around his eyes.
"Are you real?" She stammered.
"I think so" a chuckle escaped his lips, causing her stomach to swell as the memories came back to her.
He approached her slowly until they were only inches apart.
"I've waited so long for this. I've searched for so many years."
"How did you find me? And why?" She tried to make sense of the occurrence before her.
"Why? Isn't it obvious Celia"
"I thought you had moved on. I thought you were better off, that you all were, without me and my mess." tears pricked at Celia's eyes, years of emotions pushed away were prying their way out.
"Don't you get it Celia? Don't you understand that from the moment I laid my eyes on you 10 years ago I have been madly and unapologetically in love with you. All of you. I would deal with a thousand of your messes if it meant having you by my side, to breath the same air as you, to hear your laughter, to touch you for fucks sake" his hands grazed her cheeks, rubbing her tears away, she couldn't help but lean into his touch, one she had only felt in her dreams and desires.
"I came back. I came back for you. But I was afraid so I ran away again. Like I always do. We could have had a life together, I fucked it all up"
She tore her face away from him.

"None of it matters-

"How can you say that? Of course it does, I mean, it's been 10 years Kai. We were practically kids when we met"

"Speak for yourself" he smirked.

"What if we don't even know each other anymore. I mean, I've changed a lot, I've built a life for myself here, I'm not the old Celia anymore, maybe that's who you're still in love with" she stumbled backwards, her regrets and pessimism taking over.

"Maybe that's true. Maybe I'll hate this new you. One who doesn't chase me through the woods or punches me in the face, or makes me worried sick for months because she's run away. But let me find out, let us find out! The only thing I know with 100% certainty right now, is that I still love you and I have never stopped loving you" his eyes were desperate and tearful.

"So let me ask you this. Do you still love me?" He questioned.

"Yes" Celia blurted, too quickly, too eagerly, because despite her anxieties there was no denying that she loved him. And she had been counting the seconds in the back of her mind to be able to say those three words again one day.

Kai's lips twitched upwards, his eyes lightening up as he took a step closer to her.

"Hi I'm Kai, it's nice to meet you"

It took a moment to compute in Celia's head.

"Hi, I'm Celia." She smiled before grabbing his collar and smashing her lips on his.
She'd been dreaming of this for too long to waste time on introductions. She already knew the man in front of her, she knew every fraction of him inside and out, and nothing would ever change that.

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