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"I was part of a pack that didn't consist of the nicest people, and it definitely didn't have the nicest Alpha. I was an Omega, so I was practically dirt. Everyday felt like a prison sentence. They did things to us, and nobody could say anything or else they'd be kicked out or worse killed" I sighed as the memories came back to me.

"What did they do to you?" He asked lowly, I could tell he was afraid of the answer.
"I'm sure you can imagine" I answered awkwardly, I've never spoke to anyone about this.
"Who are they? I'll kill them" he grunted as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"He's dead" and thank god for that, I'm proud of myself for opening up...obviously I didn't tell him everything, but I think for now this is enough.
"I'm sorry you went through that. You know I'd never do something like that right?" He stammered.
"Yeah, I know" I smiled caressing his cheek and giving him another peck on the lips.
Even though I've known him for less than a year, I could trust him with my life, probably because of the mate bond or maybe it's just the fact that I simply trust him.

"You know, when we first met, I hated the idea of someone like you being my mate, because I've had bad experience's with Alpha's and packs. But now I can't imagine being with anybody else but you" I whispered, It's been so long since I felt any kind of affection or expressed any kind of emotion like this.
"And I never thought that I'd be able to fall for a rogue" he joked.

Kai's POV:
How could I be so dumb? This whole time I thought she left her pack because she couldn't handle responsiblility. I've called her a mutt, a traitor a goddamn deserter, but this whole time she never really had any choice. I'm mentally face palming as I think back to all the bullshit I said to her.

It makes me enraged to think about anybody touching her or hurting her, she's gone through so much shit and yet she still manages to keep it together, and that's sure as hell more than what I've handled in a lifetime.

It's crazy how fast things changed, as every day passes I fall for her even deeper. I wanted to ask her about her real identity and the missing information, but I decided this was enough for now, I didn't want to push it to far. I'm just happy she trusts me enough to tell me this much.
"I'm sorry" I apologised, a sincere look washed over me.
"What for?" She questioned.
"I'm sorry for not trusting you, and I'm sorry for everything I've said to you"
"Lets just move on. Because that's all we can really do" she smiled as I went in for another kiss. I wanted this to last forever, her in my arms besides me, for the rest of eternity. I trust her, and I'm happy she's beginning to trust me.
"Celia, about our conversation a while ago...I want us to be serious" I exclaimed.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying...Celia, will you be my girlfriend" I smiled goofily nervously waiting for her answer.
"Hmm...monogamy, bit mundane dont you think?" She spoke coldly.
"I'm joking. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend Kai" she snickered. Ugh, she frustrates me like nobody else can and yet I still can't get enough of her.

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