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"You know I never did anything bad" he sighed.
"I did everything by the goddamn book, I am a good Alpha, and yet this is what I get repaid with"
"What..? A disgusting piece of shit Rogue for a mate?" I rasped stepping away from him.
"Thats not what I meant"
"No it's okay. I understand, I've always been a burden, not a surprise" I swore, tears filling my eyes.

Everything's gone to shit now.
"I just want to know what goes through your head!" He raged.
"You wanna know what goes on in my head?! You really want to fucking know?!"
"Yeah I do!" He yelled back, he wants to see, let him see.

I grabbed his shoulders and pinned him to the wall, slipping my razor sharp teeth into him, tearing his flesh apart.
The mating process will finally be complete, and he'll see into me...every thought, every emotion will be exposed.

Kai's POV
Suddenly my mind was blinded by a sea of memories. My heart beats faster and a shiver ran down my spine as I saw into her head. Everything she's ever felt in her lifetime, with her family, with me...
With her old Alpha...
It was like being put into her shoes, even if it was only for a minute, that was enough to last me a lifetime of grief and sympathy. Once it was over I took in a deep breath, it was as if I was trapped under water and I've just been let out.

Now I see, I see why she acts the way she does, or why she does the things she does.
I understand.

Celia's POV
"So?" I faltered, I had no secrets now, everything's out in the open...nothing to hide.
He didn't say anything, just pulled me into his arms.

I hesitated at first but then gave into the warm embrace.
Suddenly that feeling of safety I used to have with Alex began creeping up, I don't know wether it's the fact that I'm completely vulnerable or the stupid mate bond, but despite what's happened I feel safe, like nobody could hurt me or touch me because he's by my side, as cliche as it very own prince charming.

This made me believe even for a moment that I could have a happily ever after, I know I can't really, but it's nice to imagine and hope.
I've always been a pessimist, but maybe just for a second I could be a glass half full kind of person.

"I love you" he whispered into my ear, a smile lurked on my face, "I love you to" I sighed as I exited his grasp.
"I don't care what your name is, I don't care about what you've done in the past. I know what it's like to lose you and I'm not going to let that happen again, not for anything" he gripped my hand squeezing it in reassurance.
"Someones gone soft" I gloated.
"Shut it" he rolled his eyes covering my face with his big palms and shoving me away jokingly.
"Oy, you don't treat a lady like that"
"Well then good thing you aren't one" he mocked.
"Shut up" I trailed off.
"Make me" he smirked as he collided his lips with mine.
It's nice to know at least one thing hasn't changed.

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