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Celia's POV
His eyes became wide and his mouth was hung open, I could tell he was waiting for me to reveal this was some kind of a joke or prank.
"Give us a moment please" I sighed looking over at Draven, he replied with an "alright darling" and a grin painted on his face as he retreated downstairs.

"What the fuck is going on. Tell me this isn't true" Kai was becoming frustrated, creases scattered his forehead.
"If I told you that it'd be a lie" I looked down at my shoes, I couldn't bare to face him, so much has happened. And no, it isn't Stockholm syndrome, debatably it's worse.
"So what? You actually like that sicko that kidnapped you and had Valentina murdered." His voice raised.
"It isn't like that-
"Then what is it like?! None of this makes sense. You were meant to be happy to see me, I was gonna take you home and we were gonna get married and have our kid and have the happy ending that we both deserve...that you deserve." he yelled, hot tears running down his cheeks.
My mind wandered to the thought of my baby.
A baby long gone.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want any of this." my eyes met his, that fluttery feeling I used get when I looked him in the eye was gone, the way my body became hot whenever he was near me has disappeared, it's as though I never even met him.

"Just tell me what's going on." He demanded, his jaw twitching.
"This may sound really weird but, Draven gave me a love potion." I sighed, I could barely believe the ridiculous words coming out of my own mouth.
"A love potion?" He chuckled running a hand through his hair, "Are we in some kind of magical land? What's next? Are fairies and unicorns going to come up the stairs in a second" he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"I know it's hard to believe, but people turning into wolves whenever they please is also hard to believe to some" I shrugged.
"But back to the point. I was becoming relentless, so he had it made. And long story short, I have somewhat of an artificial mate bond with him." I mentally face palmed, I should take this more seriously.
"This is a joke. It has to be, where are the cameras? Am I going to be on TV-
"This is serious Kai" I frowned, I know this must be hard on him but the faster I explain, the faster he can leave and never come back.
"What about everything we went through? You really feel nothing for me?" His jokey expression morphed into a sad one.
"The potion is too strong, it gets rid of any past bond you have and makes a new one with whoever gave it to you" I look down at the floor again, I can't bare to see the look on his face, it makes me feel too guilty.

"Theres no way to break the bond? What if I got my hands on it and gave it to you, then you'd just make a new bond with me?" He was grasping at strings desperately, his eyebrows were in knots as he tried to think of a solution, but there is none.
"It can't be broken, and can only be used once on a single person." My Jaw clenched, the tension was growing.
"I love him as much as I loved you. And I know it isn't real love like we had, I know I only feel this way because of that potion. But it is what it is, I'll just have to live with it." I crossed my arms, I always knew a happy ending wasn't meant for me.

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