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Celia's POV
"But I thought..." I stammered.
"You thought I was dead? Right?" He scoffed.
I kept blinking, trying to see wether what I was seeing was real or not, the thing haunting me the most was now stood right in front of me.

"How did you find me?" I faltered.
"Well you didn't make it easy. Moving states, changing your name, wiping every detail about yourself from the earth...I had to do a lot of shit for a lot of bad people to get the information. But here I am" he grunted, his jaw clenched.
"I'm sorry" 
"Sorry?" he sneered, "you think sorry is gonna cut it?" He growled, people began noticing the commotion, because I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs and halls.

"What's going on here?" Kai frowned as he entered from a doorway, followed by a few other familiar faces.
"What's this stranger doing in my house?" Kai raged, his eyes fixed on my brother.
"Well I'm hardly a stranger, you are dating my sister, am I right?"

A silence crept over everyone, confused and riddled looks passed around.
"Oh so they don't know?" He chimed.
"Know what?...Celia, who is this?" Kai frowned, his eyes darting to me.
"Correction, her name is Andorra."
"Celia, this guy is mental right? Tell me he's mental" Lilliana squeaked, her cheeks red, like they always are when she's deep in thought.
"It's true" I nodded, confirming everyone's assumptions. 

"My real name is Andorra Ivailo, from the GreyStone pack" I gulped, all the old memories I had tried so hard to forget came rushing back to me.
"GreyStone? Didn't they all die in" Frankie trailed off.
"Yes, yes they did- Oh except two little children, a brother and sister survived, thankfully that night the boy had decided to take a little midnight run and the sister...well she managed to escape the fire, leaving everyone behind" he breathed, his grimace had faltered, and all that was left was a cold glare.
"I'm sorry" I stammered, hot salty tears overflowing my eyes.

I thought I could leave my mistakes in the past, but lies only come back to haunt you, to break you apart piece by piece. My haunting had come, in the shape of the one person I loved the brother. 

Claustrophobia waved over me. I was hot and sweaty, my eyes swollen and red, everyone was surrounding me waiting for answers. I couldn't take it anymore, I shoved past them and raced downstairs to the living room, I could hear him behind me.
"Yeh run! All you ever do is run Andorra" he barked.
"Why are you here Alex" I breathed lowly.
"You ruined my life"
"I didn't ruin your life! I saved your life, anything was better than another day with those disgusting people we called family" I shouted.
"I hate you because you left me. You left your little brother for fucking dead, to pick up the pieces. I had to watch as they took everyone away in body bags! I had to be handed down from foster family to foster family like some kind of toy!" he choked, tears welling up in his eyes.
"You don't know how sorry I am Alex. I was scared and broken, I just wanted a way out" I cried.
"Oh and you thought the best way to do that was to light the damn house on fire?"
"It was an accident"
"Did you try and put it out?" He growled.
"No" I avoided eye contact, the shame was to much, the pain was too much.

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