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I forgot what it felt like to run without the worry of being jumped or killed...or whatever.
I could sense him a couple metres behind me, his breath was quick and his heart beat was increasing, he was definitely not happy with me, not that I cared to be honest.

I hurled over a large tree that had fallen on the ground, I felt on top of the world, even if it was only for a second or two.

Valentina was right, stretching my limbs was a good idea, it's only been a couple days since I last turned but it feels like it's been forever. All my thoughts were interrupted with a sudden great force slinging me towards the other side of the forest, hurling me into a tree.

I lay on the ground in pain as Kai's wolf stood over me, a grimace on his face...motherfucker. My body began turning back, the pain was to much, "Ouch" I winced rubbing my leg, I tried to pull myself up but I immediately just tumbled back down, the grass and twigs poking and prodding at my bare skin. A moment later he changed back, his face was pale and his eyes wide, "Crap..I didn't mean to actually hurt you" his face blushed in embarrassment as he stepped towards me reaching out his hand.

"I'm fine thanks" I grumbled through gritted teeth swatting his hand away. Once again I tried hauling myself up and limped towards where I left my clothes. I must have pretty bad luck because wherever I go I always get hurt, people say us rogues are bad news but do they have any idea how stupid their packs are?

Especially dumb Alpha's who decide to launch you into tree's for fun! After a long painful trek I finally got to my clothes. "I'm sorry Celia, It wasn't my intention to make you angry" A painfully familiar voice crept up behind me, ugh.
I turned around to him fully dressed. I was a little disappointed honestly, naked Kai is way better than dressed Kai even though he's really fucking  annoying.

"Then what was your intention moron?" I frowned crossing my arms tightly.
" I made a mistake but that gives you no right to speak to your Alpha that way" He growled.
"My Alpha?! Since when is a little moron like you my Alpha" I snickered. Somebody's got a temper...his nostrils began flaring and his fists tightened, let's see how far he can go before snapping.

"Why so quiet, cat got your tongue- Before I could say anymore he clasped his hand around my neck securely and slammed me against the tree behind me, he snapped a little sooner than I thought.

"Be careful, you're in my territory now mutt. I could kill you right here right now and nobody would every know" He taunted his voice became dangerously low.

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