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A stinging sensation washed over me as I peeled my eyes open.
When my vision finally set in I realised I was in the pack clinic down in the basement.
I pulled myself up and took a look in the mirror besides me, my eyes were a deep shade of purple and flecks of dried blood were scattered all over my face, I looked like something straight out of a horror movie. 

"Finally your awake" I heard the familiar voice of my brother creep out from the shadows.
"Here to knock me out again?" I groaned holding my rumbling stomach...that's just because I'm hungry.
"How long have I been out?"
"A couple hours" he spoke hesitantly, as he strolled closer to my bed, I could tell he felt he should.

"I'm sorry...for you know, hurting you" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"Not like I didn't deserve it" I chuckled and then immediately winced, note to self: laughing hurts.

"You didn't. I thought it'd be satisfying but hurting you won't take back the past. I guess I just need to move on, or else I'll be stuck in the past forever" he sighed.
"Who are you? And what have you done with my petty immature little brother?" I grinned, he's really changing.
"I guess I've just grown up" he shrugged.
"Well your going to have to now, soon you'll be dating an older woman" I smirked wiggling my eyebrows, which he only replied with an eye roll.
"I'm not ready for any of this"
"Welcome to the club" I yawned stretching my arms and legs trying to exit the creeky bed on wheels.
"You just got to go with it, unless you want to cripple up and die...being away from your mate does that you know" I chuckled sadistically as I patted him roughly on the shoulder. 
"Great advice" he scoffed sarcastically,
"you're welcome" I joked.

I woke up from my nap, I needed a good rest after being unconscious on that uncomfortable bed for hours...ouch.
I rubbed my eyes as my vision focused, before I was able to get out of bed I heard a knock. 

"Celia?" Valentina pipped from behind the door.
"Come in" I spoke groggily.
"I hope you had a good rest." She smiled.
"Yep, I'm good as new. Great mattress. I think the pack should invest in a better clinic" I snickered.

"I'm glad. The doctor told me to get this to you, she said it was important" she explained as she handed me the letter and left, it was a white sealed envelope with "confidential" printed on the front, I didn't know my injuries were bad enough for a letter.

I tore it open, not anticipating anything bad. It was full of big words about medication and details about my "injuries" I skimmed the page to see wether their was anything actually important, nothing seemed to catch my eye, and then my heart stopped when I read the fine print.

Patient: Celia Armoux
Pregnancy: POSITIVE


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