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1month later

Kai's POV:
It's been a couple weeks since she's left. Nobody really cared that much except Lilliana...and me.
It hurts, as much as I don't want it to hurt, as much as I just want to go back to living my life before she came along...I can't.
She's all I think about, no matter who I'm with or where I am, I'm constantly wondering where she is and what she's doing.
She could be dead for all I know, but I have to be strong, my pack needs me to be a good Alpha, and I can't spend precious time thinking about some rogue.

3months later

Kai's POV:
My wolf hasn't spoken to me since she left, three months and their's been no sarcastic voice in my head.
I miss her...we didn't know each other well, hek I don't think Celia was even her real name, but I miss her sarcasm, and the way she was never afraid of standing up to anyone. And even though she tried to hide it, she was genuinely a kind person, the way she took care of Lilliana...who I have since apologised to.

Celia leaving made me realise that everything she said was right, I am narcissistic and a jerk.
But I'm trying to be a better man.

Celia's POV:
I miss him, a lot. No matter how many times I told him I hated him, I didn't. Every time I sleep I imagine he's next to me, or anyone for that matter, most nights I barely have enough money for food, so I usually phase and sleep in my wolf form.
My wolf never spoke to me again since that day...she was right, I do always ruin everything.
When things get difficult I run away, and when life starts getting good I do something to sabotage it.
I don't deserve anything good, after what I did, after I hurt so many family. I deserve nothing.

6months later

Katerina's POV:
I'm worried for him, as much as I dislike him, he was my husband for three years, we truly did love each other at some point.
He barely talks nowadays, he doesn't shout at anyone or demand things, he just sits there and nods as he stares out of the window, it's like he's waiting for her to return.

At this point I really hope she does come back, he's falling into a hole and none of us can bring him back.
I've tried to find her, we've hacked and searched every government database and every pack history, and yet, no Celia Armoux.
It's like she just appeared out of nowhere, theirs definitely something going on here, nobody just gets a new identity for no reason.

I just wish I could figure it out. But I've been so busy running things, he doesn't even attend pack meetings anymore, and 70% of the time he's drunk. He barely comes out of his room, Valentina has had to begun taking food to his room, but even then he still rarely finishes it, he's going insane.
Where are you Celia? The one time I want that girl around and yet...

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