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"What do you mean you can't find her?" he yelled, it was one thing for one of his pack members to be killed but now his mate had been possibly kidnapped or murdered, this was personal now.
"We've turned this whole place upside down, she's nowhere to be seen" Frankie sighed, everything became so messed up so fast.
"Maybe she ran away, that isn't unlike her" Katerina snarled.

Lilliana said "She wouldn't have just left, not right now. Whoever did this to Valentina must have taken Celia." she was trying to stay hopeful, but she couldn't help but let her doubts infiltrate her mind. Maybe Celia did leave she thought, maybe she changed her mind about keeping the baby and didn't have the heart to face she just left.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by Kai's angry voice, "I want the building searched again-
"There is no point Alpha" Kai was cut off by the doctor who was sat by Valentina's limp body, his eyes glued on paperwork.
"And why is that?" He spoke through gritted teeth.
"The blood sample we took from the site of the murder, it did not only belong to Valentina but some of it matched with blood I had taken in the past from Celia. She must have been attacked also."
"What are you saying? That she's lying dead in some corner of the house" Kai fumed, his fists were clenched and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, the thought of his mate being hurt or worse dead killed him on the inside.
"Not necessarily. I also spotted drops of blood leading to the back door, whoever did this took her. If they wanted her dead they wouldn't have gone through the trouble of taking the body. She's alive...for now" the doctor squinted as he looked closer at the papers grasped tightly in his clammy hands.
Completely unfazed by the enraged Alpha stood in front of him.
"I want every man we have out there searching for her, this is your Luna for fucks sake." he screeched at the people still hanging about the living room who immediately cleared the area.

Meanwhile Lilliana noticed that Katerina and Alex had slipped out of the room.
"You have to tell them" Katerina whisper yelled.
Her and Alex stood in the kitchen, the door open by a hair.
"I can't, he'll kill me. What have I done" Alex rubbed his temples, stress and anxiety prominent in his face.
"I'll kill you first if you don't say anything, I know your teenage brain may not comprehend this but this isn't some game. I can't believe you did this." She tried as hard as possible not to explode, Valentina raised her and now she was dead, and it was all Alex's fault.
"I'm so sorry" he tried to put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder but she swatted him off.
"Sorry about what?" Lilliana barged in, after hearing all that she couldn't wait another moment to confront them.
She cut him off, "What did you do" She spoke through a clenched jaw, she needed answers and she needed them quick.

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