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Third person POV
"You son of a bitch" Lilliana growled as she grabbed him by the collar dragging him into the living room. Both Kai and Frankie turned there attention to the messy scene taking place. "Not the best time to be arguing like little kids" Frankie frowned as he crossed his arms in frustration.

Seeing him so serious was pretty rare, almost everything is a joke to him...but not this, this was far from any joke. "Tell them" Lilliana spat, her jaw was locked tight, her best friend was missing and presumed dead and all because of her own brother.
"Tell us what?" Kai raised a brow, stepping closer towards him. Alex was nervous, he felt surrounded, he felt like the little boy in the foster home once again...
unwanted and an annoyance to everyone around him. He knew he had to explain everything, that he practically sold his sister. And all for money, or maybe it was more than that, maybe a part of him knew he'd never be able to pay that money back, a part of him even hoped he wouldn't. He had built a hatred for Celia, and for a long time he wanted revenge, he wanted to avenge his parents and family and he wanted to simply see her in pain...the same pain he went through for years.
But he regretted everything.

"It all started two years ago" for the next couple moments Alex explained everything, the whys and the what's. Frowns were passed around, but that was expected.
"You used my mate as fucking collateral?!" Kai yelled, it took everything in his power not to dismember Alex bit my bit.
"Cant you use the mate bond to speak to her?" Katerina chirped, it was odd to her that throughout this whole ordeal the only person she's been concerned for has been Alex. She knows nothing about him and yet she loves him more than her brother and more than Valentina, more than she ever did Kai in the 2years that they were married, and most definitely more than Celia, though she would never admit it. Mostly because she was five years older than him.
It was a feeling that she couldn't explain, it was so sudden and so forced and yet it felt so right.

"Do you know how hard it is to try and slip into someone's mind like that? Even if they are your mate. And it's a two way street, she's too weak, I can sense that at least." He sighed defeated sinking into one of the chairs behind him. Everyone was confused, Valentina's body still lay on the couch which had been previously stained with Celia's blood. Everything was just a big chaotic mess.
"His name was Draven Kornaris, he runs some rogue organisation, he was a real sicko last time I checked." Alex broke the silence, nobody wanted to hear his voice right now but Celia was his sister after all and he plans on making things right.
"You're the only sicko around here" Lilliana grumbled under her breath but everyone heard.
"Listen I know you all hate me right now. I made a mistake, and it was a big one but sitting here being angry at me isn't going to bring her back." He sighed running a hand through his disheveled hair letting his hood fall revealing the large scar on his neck.
"He has a point" Katerina shrugged, as much as she didn't want to be on his side after all the problems he had caused, she couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. Her heart was in control now.

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