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"So you said yes?!"
"And now you're dating him?!" Lilliana gasped, she kept confirming with me, as though she was still processing whether it was all real.

"Yes we're dating, no biggie" I rolled my eyes jokingly.
"Of course it's a big deal! You're finally dating after a million years" She squealed jumping up and down.
"I would hardly call nine months a million years" I grumbled.
"That is totally a million years. What sane wolf waits nine months to date their mate?"
I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at her.
"Okay, fine it's been a long time. But I'm ready now"
"And I am so happy that you are! Finally you have a boyfriend, and we can stay up gossiping about how the sex i-
"Okayy. Let's get you to training now" I chuckled awkwardly as I dragged her away. Now that I think about it, we really haven't done anything...other than kiss...a lot.

What am I even talking about, it's only been one day since we made things 'official' theirs plenty of time for sex.
"No we should have sex now!" My wolf groaned.
Wow way to make an entrance, of course she'd only show up at the thought of sex, horny bitch.
Look it's definitely way to soon, I mean don't get me wrong I want nothing more than that piece of ass on top of me, but I don't know maybe we should go out on a date or something first? Isn't that what couples do?

A couple hours later
We finally finished training after Lilliana had beaten me to a pulp. I headed to my bedroom to have a shower, I smell like a wet dog. When I reached my bedroom I quickly ripped my clothes off and headed to the shower.
"You love getting naked dont you" I snapped my head towards the doorway to see Kai standing there smirking at me.
"Urm privacy much" I Groaned, can a girl not get naked in peace anymore!? Obviously not.
"You left the door open" He chuckled.
"Well then close it" I whined, snatching a towel off my bed and wrapping it around me.
"Okee dokee" he spoke as he pulled the door shut.
"I meant close it with you behind it" I scoffed, I need my shower.
"Are you sure you want me to go?" He grinned coming closer towards me.
"Yes I am sure" I trailed off as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer towards his chest.
His hand slowly trailed along my thigh and up my towel,
"Are you still sure?" He whispered.
I replied with a low moan, I was trying to speak but no words came out of my mouth.
His fingers glazed over my entrance, he had barely done anything and I was already ready to climax, I've never felt anything like this before. His touch does something to me.
"I need to shower" I breathed, get yourself together girl!
"Let's shower then" He grinned as he loosened the knot holding my towel intact, making it slip off me onto the ground.

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